Family Isn’t Always Blood

Coming from someone who has had a small family their entire life, along with being an only child, I can safely say that “Family” isn’t always blood.

Family is what you make it, and who you choose to be your family.

This is especially true if the people you are blood-related to have no interest in you, don’t support you, or have been abusive* physically or emotionally. I have so many people in my life that I consider family that aren’t actually related to me, and I love each and every one of them like they are blood.

Family is a feeling that comes from the heart.

We all want to have that feeling that is advertised around Christmas with the family sitting around the tree; Everyone is smiling and engaging with one another. I feel like this isn’t true for the most of us though, right? Christmas is stressful! Most families argue around the holidays, and there’s a lot of financial/consumerist obligations if you have a large family. If you don’t have a family around, Christmas can be extremely lonely and depressing. That’s the thing that makes Christmas special; Being surrounded by people you love and care about. This doesn’t have to be your blood line relatives, though. You can get this feeling from anyone.

Sometimes even a complete stranger can feel like family the moment you meet.

I’m not going to lie. The last couple years have been rough for me when it comes to connecting with other humans. I have isolated myself in my own little world, building myself back up from years of substance abuse. Even if I tried to deny my truth, I was depressed and lonely, and I felt like I didn’t know my place in the world. I spent all of this time ridding myself of everything I thought to be bad in my life, but not filling it back up with things that are good.

About a year after I got sober, I went through such an intense identity crisis, and I’m still working on who I am every single day. It was like I honestly didn’t know who I was anymore. Drugs and alcohol controlled every part of my life, especially when it comes to socializing. I didn’t know how to make friends after I got sober. (In all transparency, I still don’t think I’m very good at it.) I am just now learning to open myself up to people, speak my truth and be unapologetically me, and it is so much harder than I thought it would be.

That’s why I wanted to start this journey; to build a family and a community based on love and understanding.

Not all of us are blessed with big, loving and understanding families. However, if we are still here, we are blessed with the opportunity to make our own family. We get the chance to open ourselves up to people and connect with anyone. I have just started reaching out to people and telling them about MyBasicJourney, and the response has been so overwhelmingly positive. There are so many people I haven’t talked to in years that have been so supportive of me and my goals.

If you are one of those people that I’ve recently reached out to, and you’re here reading this and supporting me, THANK YOU! It means so much to me that so many people are willing to listen to what I have to say. I haven’t been the greatest friend to anyone in the past, so I’m baffled and humbled by the fact that I have people who barely know me cheering me on.

Recently, I have felt like I’ve had more family than I ever have, and nothing can beat that feeling. Your love and support fills me with gratitude.

I just want you all to know that I’m here for you, and not to be afraid of speaking your truth. Our past traumas do not define us. If we wake up, that is the universe giving us another chance to create the life we dream of. You’re not alone in the world, even if it feels like it at times.

I love each and every one of you that are here right now and appreciate you taking time out of your day to be a part of my little family I’m creating.

If you have any questions regarding addiction, mental illness or eating disorders, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m not a doctor by any means, but I can at least be a listening ear and share my own experiences. I think we all have some knowledge to offer each other. We can all learn and grow through each other’s experiences, so I’d love to hear from you. I also offer Tarot Readings online or in person, if you’re interested in that kind of thing.

In the end, we’re all family. We are all connected and we are all one.


*If you, or someone you know, are dealing with physical abuse from their family or partner, please call this number —> (800) 799-7233 (U.S. Only)

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. You’re a wonderful person with a great personality and I’m happy to call you a friend. As always, I love your blog posts and pictures! You’re a very talented writer and an amazing photographer!

    1. Thank you so much! I’m always grateful for your support. <3

  2. You are a amazing Beautiful person on the inside & outside.I have always been happy to call you family.I always love seeing your pictures of your journey & just seeing what your doing.Love you Kim

    1. AWW!! Thanks Kim!! I love you too. This made my little heart melt and it means so much that you are here with me. I miss you so much! Thank you, Thank you!

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