Happy Solstice – Shortest Day Of The Year

Happy Solstice – Shortest Day Of The Year

This year, on the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, we are blessed with not only the sight of a full moon but also a meteor shower!

The full moon is technically tomorrow on the 22nd, but it will be visible to the human eye tonight. While you’re staring at the moon, don’t forget to search the sky for “falling stars” because it’s probably actually a meteor. That’s because tonight starts the annual Ursids Meteor Shower and during peak times you could see up to 10 “shooting stars” an hour!

This triple whammy of a night is a great night to charge your crystals.

I have been looking forward to this night for a multitude of reasons.

From now on until June 21, 2019, our days will continuously get longer. It will be lighter longer and get warmer throughout the days. The warmer weather is on its way, and we only have to make it through a couple more months of colder weather before spring shows its face. I am someone who suffers from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) which means every year during the winter months I go through a season of depression. I quite literally get sad around the same time every year.

Once the 21st of December hits, it’s like the halfway point of the cold weather and I celebrate a little.

Also, if you’ve been following my story, you know that in october through november I was very sick. My galbladder shot a stone into my bile duct and got stuck. This caused pancreatits and I ended up in the hospital for 16 days. I wrote an entire series about that and you can read about it HERE.

I had to wait to get surgery until the pancreatitis was completely cleared up. After waiting for way too long, I was finally cleared and my galbladder was removed on December 10, 2018. I’m happy it finally happened because I did have another galbladder attack before then. It lasted multiple days and I put myself back in the ER because I thought I had developed pancreatitis again. Good thing I didn’t, and I got the surgery, so now the last 11 days has been spent healing from that.

I’ve also been looking forward to the holidays and the New Year.

I’ve already talked about what I don’t like about the holidays, but there are many things I do like about them. I love that people are more loving and caring towards each other. I’ve heard more from people this holiday than I have since I’ve moved away from home two years ago.

It’s a time that brings communities together.

People are generally more generous and willing to donate or be helpful this time of year. There are more people wanting to volunteer and help out their local neighbor in need (that the usually avoid eye-contact with the rest of the year).

Also, even if you’re alone on the holidays like I am, I feel so full of love and gratitude for all of the wonderful people I have in my life. I am so lucky to have so many people thinking about me and sending me holiday wishes. It really does help this time of year that can be pretty lonely and depressing for a lot of people.

If you know someone who is alone on the holidays, or is having a hard time, reach out to them. (Even if it’s that random stranger in 5C of your apartment complex.)

With the holidays comes a new year. With the New Year comes new beginnings. Sometimes all we need in life is a small change or something new that could completely change our life for the better. I love the New Year because it brings a new level of motivation. That’s why New Year’s resolutions is even a thing.

It is a time of year that brings a lot of revelations. From the day of solstice through the 31st, I spend a lot of time thinking about what I did or didn’t do this year and what I want to accomplish in the year coming up. I spend (probably too much) time writing out next years goals (resolutions) and meditating on them. Honestly, I am a sucker for a fresh start, especially when the recent past has been extremely trying.

I am so ready for a New Year, and a new beginning.

Tonight symbolizes a lot of things. I hope everyone has a great night charging their crystals and staring at the stars. Happy Solstice to those who celebrate, and happy holidays! Whatever holiday you celebrate, I really do wish it is filled with love and laughter.

2019 is right around the corner and is bringing with it growth and transformation.

No matter what you’re going through now, whether your life is seemingly good or bad, remember that the only constant in life is change. Learning to allow the good and bad to flow in and out of my life is one of the hardest challenges for me. I am learning that I can’t control a lot of things. Focus on what you can change and work on building a life you’re proud of.

Thank you so much for being here. One of my resolutions for 2019 is to be more consistent with writing. The last couple of months have really thrown me off course, but I’m slowly getting back on track. If you haven’t yet, sign up for e-mail notifications on the right-hand column at the top.

I love you all so much and hope this holiday season brings you so much joy.


P.S. The New Years Tarot Spread is a great and very detailed way to have an idea for what’s to come next year. It is a 13 card reading that is only $33. You can get this reading any time between now and the end of January. You can contact me at TarotandSage@gmail.com for more information or through the Contact Page.