Write Your Personal Vision Statement!

When I started learning about the Law of Attraction, I kept hearing about different exercises to help you start manifesting the life of your dreams. The first two are every day you write down five things you are grateful for and five positive affirmations. The last thing was a vision statement.

A vision statement is more commonly written by businesses. Wikipedia describes it as this, “A vision statement is a declaration of an organization’s objectives, intended to guide its internal decision-making.” An article from Hack Life (1) says that a vision statement is like a photograph of your future business, which gives your business shape and direction. Imagine doing this for yourself, and not for a business. Writing a vision statement of your life, which gives your life shape and direction.

You write this vision statement as if your life is already your dream life and try to be as specific as possible. If you’re a visual person, you can also make a vision board, which is making a collage of your goals and dreams using photos from magazines and such. The reason why I prefer to write it out is that I can be as specific and descriptive as I want. Whereas a vision board, you are using photos of someone else’s dreams to create your own and don’t have very much control on the specifics. There’s nothing wrong with using other people’s photos and work as inspiration, but I don’t want to manifest someone else’s life. I want to create my own.

Your vision statement can be as long or as short as you’d like, but try to include all areas of your dream life and everything you’d like to change. You want to write it out like a story, like something that has already come into fruition.

After you are done writing out your future life, read it out loud. Try to read it out loud every day and make revisions as needed. Your goals and dreams are always changing and evolving. Also, you’re going to eventually attain the dreams you have written out and you’ll gain even bigger dreams you’ll need to update on your vision statement.

Doing this is going to attract your dream life to you. This is how the law of attraction works. The message you put out into the universe is the message you’re going to receive. Where you are putting the most focus with your energy, is what is going to be relevant in your life.

This means if you’re focused on all of the bad things in your life, that is going to reflect on your reality. More bad things. Turn it around by focusing on the good. Focus on what is ahead of you and what you think your life should be. Start attracting those things to you and eventually they will be your reality.

Writing a vision statement is an easy way to attract your dream life to you. It is also an awesome way to remind yourself why you are here. If you are feeling down or depressed or anxious, writing out a vision statement can help enhance feelings of hope, desire and direction/purpose. This helped me so much when I was at some of my lowest points in life.

Thank you for being here. I wrote my own vision statement below as an example, and maybe it can give you some inspiration to write your own. I love you all!



My Vision Statement:

I wake up with the sun every day to a beautiful view of mountains and greenery. A small creek flows through the backyard of our 600 square foot self-sustaining tiny home. My partner and I built it ourselves on our 20 acres of land in the Willamette Valley. It is a one bedroom home with an open floor plan and a loft for guests. Our bathroom walls are built from different glass mosaic tiles and recycled bottles. Our home is filled with plants and love and a lot of large windows to let in a lot of natural light. We have 2 dogs and a kitten that love being out in nature. Outside we have a garden that grows the majority of the food we eat, as well as an abundance of fruit trees that have grown here for decades. A fence lines our house as a safety from wildlife and intruders, allowing our animals to roam freely without danger.

We have started inviting people to live on our land and treat it like an eco-village where we all work together to create a community of like-minded, conscious and loving people. We build structures for common spaces and even an entertainment venue where we host local music talent and gatherings.

My partner is someone I can be myself with. They’re funny and charming, and find me hilarious. He is taller than me and live a healthy lifestyle that helps me stay on track. Also, they are the creative type, with a natural knack for DIY projects and carpentry. They like to be silly, and dance like nobody’s watching. They are passionate and romantic and believe in being faithful as well as compassionate and understanding. I’m so grateful they help me through my darkness, and I do the same for them.

We compliment each other in many ways and have a deep spiritual connection that lasts longer than our lifetime. I am lucky that we are always looking out for each other, and are always kind and understanding. We have the same goals in life and live by a shared set of morals. He also likes to live a cruelty-free lifestyle and help use our land to provide sanction to many different species.

We have a shared love for travel and trying new things amd we have a built out Mercedes Sprinter, that we fit us, the dogs and the kitten in for many on the road adventures. We’re travel the majority of the year, following the sun and warm weather; so we go north for the summer and south for the winter.

Our jobs allow us to live this way, as we’re both online entrepreneurs. We both have a business online that is thriving and successful which means we are financially stable and debt free, with climbing savings accounts. We live minimally and don’t consume things that we don’t need as well as living as zero waste as possible with a large focus on minimizing our footprint. All in all, we focus on our physical and mental health and stay as healthy as possible.

I am at a healthy weight, somewhere around 135. Without going into debt, I have gotten my excess skin removed after losing so much weight. I am strong and defined because of my daily workout regimen. For exercise and movement I hike often, lift regularly, and practice yoga daily. I also meditate on a regular basis that clears my mind and allows me to stay at peace.

I am overflowing with love, and give love freely. This allows me to heal people and I help heal through the things I create, like videos, blogs, and art. I created a coloring book using my designs and positive affirmations so that when people are coloring they are also manifesting love into their life. I have also created a few e-books on self-development and vegan things. These have created a passive income that allow me to support myself and be comfortable. I also give tarot readings online as an extra form of income on the side.

I live freely and I’m comfortable with who I am. Rightfully so, I am proud of my accomplishments and everything I’ve gone through to get to where I am now. I am a strong and beautiful human with the gift of healing and seeing the truth. My intuition is strong and guides me through life. I have a lot of friends with similar goals, strengths, and gifts who lift me up and support me, and I do the same for them. My family has grown close and we have a strong bond between us.

I am happy and free, and I am young hearted but wiser than my years. I have grown into the woman I desire to be and have complete control over my life, including my thoughts and my reactions to things out of my control. How luck I am to be blissful and in love.

I really do live the life of my dreams.

Thank you for reading. Please feel free to share your vision statement below in a comment. I truly believe putting it out there and sharing your dreams and goals with others and the universe helps manifest them into reality. Having others believe in you will only enhance these dreams manifesting into your life. This is a judgment-free zone, and you are loved. You have complete freedom to be the beautiful and unique individual that you are while you are here. Please contact me if you have any questions at all.


If you would like a tarot reading done, please read the tarot section on the Services page and then contact me. I would love to help you find clarity and peace. http://mybasicjourney.com/services/

(1) https://www.lifehack.org/articles/work/20-sample-vision-statement-for-the-new-startup.html

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Beautiful post! I love your vision statement! We created a vision board a few years ago and some of those visions actually came true!

    1. Thank you!! I love writing these. I think we should have a craft day and make new vision boards for fun! <3

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