Currently Occupation: Unemployed Artist

Currently Occupation: Unemployed Artist

Today marks two weeks that I’ve been unemployed. Covid-19 has affected everyone in various ways, but being unemployed is one of the most common. Over 3 million people have been infected by this virus, and over 200,000 people have died. While those numbers are scary, and high, it doesn’t compare to the number of people, in the U.S. alone, that have been let go from their jobs and are now unemployed.

There are now over 33 Million unemployed people in America right now.

This unemployment number is higher than it has been since 1934. The consequences of our future economic security are going to be devastating. Unfortunately, I don’t believe we will be going back to normal any time soon.

While this pending doom of our economy is lurking around every corner, and every news outlet, I am feeling strangely okay.

These last two weeks of being unemployed have been the most productive two weeks I’ve had in a really long time. This moment, however long it will last, is giving me a chance to work on the things I’m truly passionate about.

As long as I can remember, it has been engraved into our brains that being an artist will lead you to poor lifestyle. Also as long as I can remember, I’ve been an artist. As you can probably guess, these contradicting thoughts have lead me to a place of limbo.

When I’m creating is when I’m the happiest.

While I was continuing to create art, (whether that was jewelry, drawings, photography, film making,ect.) I always had the thought in my head that it could never be as a “job.” You hear the common tale of the starving artist and it almost turns you away from pursuing the thing you’re most passionate about.

If everyone turned away from being an artist for the sole purpose of not being able to profit, our world would be a dark place.

Could you imagine a world without art? – Without movies, music, video games, hair stylists? I couldn’t imagine this world without movie theaters, or concerts, or museums. We’re getting our first glimpse of what that would be like now and I’m not a fan.

While I may be unemployed, I finally have the time to strive to be the artist I always wanted to be.

TarotAndSage is finally updated with all of my jewelry pieces. I have created new designs, like the one featured on this blog. These designs will be made into T-shirts, mugs, stickers and more. My current project is photographing my designs and editing these digital images to be added to my Etsy. This design was my first (The flower design below) that I created into a sticker and a mug.

Be sure to check out my shop to see all of my available items.

Honestly, this time in isolation has been really getting my creative juices flowing. You would think that being unemployed would cause more mental stress. Really though, all of this “free” time is letting me work on the career I actually want to have instead of having to put all of my energy into the job I NEED to have.

I am truly blessed to be privileged enough during this time for being healthy, housed, and a full belly. Not everyone is getting off so easy, and my hearts go out to them. Bless those who lost family or friends to this virus. It almost makes me feel guilty for almost enjoying my time being unemployed.

I’m working harder now as an unemployed artist than I was being a cashier for a company who didn’t care about me.

Thank you so much for being here. I appreciate all of the love and support I receive. If you have any questions at all, feel free to reach out to me on the Contact Page. You could also leave a comment below! I love you all so much. I wish nothing but happiness and health to you and your families during these trying times.

Please continue to stay inside, and if you’re an artist of any kind, please create stuff. The world needs more of your art and your brilliance.
