Etsy Shop Is Now Fully Stocked

It took me from November 2018 to last week to get this done, but it's official: All 70+ pieces of inventory are up for grabs in my Etsy shop, TarotAndSage. I have definitely tried to stay productive during my time in quarantine. My Etsy shop is the home to all of my magical creations and tarot readings. I wanted to keep my Tarot business and my YouTube business separate. I explain that a bit more in the blog when I announced the Etsy shop back in 2018. You can go give that a read in case you were interested in why my shop isn't called MyBasicJourney. A few years ago, in 2017, I was selling DoTerra - an MLM company that sells high grade essential oils. I actually really liked it and and became pretty obsessed with the whole thing. I was going to weekly meetings and going to the local events. My favorite part, though, was making daily spreadsheets, drawing up my own business plans, researching data, and just…

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