Launch Anticipation and Appreciation

I’m launching my website in 3 days.

I’m so excited and even a little nervous. I have been wanting this for so long. Something about the idea to have my own blog, that I built from scratch, it feels good.

I love the idea of being able to help people with my stories, personal experiences, everything I’ve learned so far on this journey, and everything I’m GOING to learn on this journey. But deep, deep down inside, I love that I’m doing this for me.

I have always been the one to live life and to do things because I felt like I was SUPPOSED to do that thing. Whether it’s going to school, get a “good” job, find a husband and get married, buy a big house and a nice car, have kids. The whole dang shebang. The American dream has died in me a long time ago.

I learned through many years of frustration in a stationary life that it’s not for me.

I love to keep moving, and change, and trying new things. I love traveling but like the cheap kind of traveling where you buy your own groceries and visit national parks instead of tourist traps.

As I am waiting for Sunday to come, which is the day that I’m taking my website out of “Under Construction” mode and launching it to the world, I am thinking about all of the wonderful things in life I’ve had to wait for. High School graduation, turning 21, moving to across the country, living a nomadic lifestyle in a decked out van. I know the wait is going to make it that much better when it actually happens.

I know of two people who are FOR SURE going to read my blogs, and probably flip through and read these first ones that I’ve written before the website was even live. They are kind of what this post is for.

I’m so lucky to have these two in my life. They have been real motivators for me.

The first person is my mom, of course. She might not agree with all of my choices, but she’s always watching, and always worrying. Just knowing I have a person out there worrying about me means I have love in my life, and for that I am grateful. She has made me into a stronger and more independent person and I love her so much.

The second person is my friend Steph. She is a newer person in my life but feels more like family than my actual family. She is caring and nurturing and has come into my life at such a perfect time. She is so incredibly supportive of me and all of the ventures I’m pursuing and is always telling me to go for it. This is truly the kind of support EVERYONE needs in their life.

Thank you both so much for being such an important role in my life. I can’t wait to share everything with you both as I pursue my dream life. I’m sure there’s going to be many ups and downs, mistakes made, lessons learned… It’s going to be amazing and I get to share it with you!

