Law of Attraction: The Scales of Life

Law of Attraction: The Scales of Life

Imagine that your life is a scale; One of those “old-school” ones with two sides. One side of the scale represents everything good in life, or all of your positive thoughts, emotions or actions. The other side of the scale represents all of the bad things, or the negative thoughts, emotions or actions. What most of us don’t realize, though, is that we control what we put into either side of the scale. Through the law of attraction, the more we put into one side or the other, life will ultimately become “better” or “worse.” Rhonda Byrnes talks about this concept a lot in her book (and movie), The Secret, to better explain the Law of Attraction and how it works.

Recently, I lost control of that thought process. I tilted my scale deep into the dark side.

When it rains, it pours, right? However, I was having a really hard time seeing anything positive in my life. It was one thing after another for about six long months. I was let go from my job, then I got sick and went to the hospital, and then I had to wait 3 of the longest months of my life to get surgery and heal before finding another job. Right when I think my luck is turning up my car died, my phone dropped and broke, my laptop broke in half, and to top it off, my washer just took a shit so I’m riding the bus to the laundromat.

In retrospect, I’ve been extremely lucky to have a lot of help. I definitely have some angels out there, and the universe is looking out for me. If I didn’t have an amazing, generous and loving support system, I would be out on the streets right now. So thank you to everyone who’s been helping me through these trying times.

The problem wasn’t that life was handing me hardship, the problem was how I was handling the circumstances that were handed to me. I was definitely adding onto the bad side of the scale with my thoughts, emotions and reactions to these hard times.

I got so depressed, and my thoughts became extremely negative. The more negatively I thought, the worse things would get. I would cry and scream out about how awful things were; Asking the universe, “Why?” Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this?

Instead, I should have been adding weight to the other side of the scale; The good side.

I should have been more conscious of my thoughts and where I was putting my energy. All of my thoughts were preoccupied by all of the bad that I buried myself in. I isolated myself, and shut down because I didn’t understand “why” this was happening to me. I was so emotionally exhausted, and I suddenly realized what I was doing to myself.

Remembering what I’ve learned about the Law Of Attraction, I started consciously starting to add more things to the good side. Even if it was small, like seeing the sun, cuddling with my dog, having heat and a warm bed, or just the simple appreciation that I got another day to try to make things better.

Eventually, I started to notice more and more positives in my life. It has been a very slow, gradual climb out of the mental prison I’ve put myself in and I still have a ways to go. Even in the last few weeks, I have noticed such a dramatic change. Things are starting to come together and I am genuinely grateful for everything good that has come my way recently.

Have you been putting yourself in a mental prison, and tipping the scales to the negative side?

Bad things in life are always going to happen; That’s just life. Regardless of what happens to us, we have the power within us to choose how we want to react. How we react is fueling one side of the scale or the other. Every thought, emotion or action we make is adding weight to its corresponding side.

Don’t be like me and lose control of your life!

Even with previously knowing this simple rule, the Law of Attraction, I still managed to fall off track. It happens, right? What matters is if we keep going or if we give up. Please don’t give up. There’s always a reason to be grateful, and showing gratitude will only bring more for you to be grateful for.

Sometimes it’s hard to remember that when one door closes another will open. Sometimes it’s even harder to recognize the good that is being sent to you because we’re so focused on the bad. If you get anything out of this entry, I hope you realize how loved you are and that things are not always as bad as they seem.

Even if your life feels like it’s completely fallen apart and you’re on your knees surrendering to the universe/god/whatever you believe in, just know that there’s always a silver lining.

Whatever bad you’re going through now, is only preparing you for transformation and a lesson that will help you grow into the best version of yourself; As long as you don’t give up.

Thank you so much for being here. If you are new here, give my website some love and sign up for e-mail updates at the top-right of this page. I appreciate each and every one of you that have taken the time to read what I have to say. Even if just one person feels inspired or connected with what I say, I have succeeded. So thank you!!


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Chantelle,you are a amazing beautiful lady on the inside & the outside. Please always remember you can call me anytime to yell,cry or whatever I will always listen. Thank you so much for sharing all of your problems & how you fix them,I think it’s a wonderful thing you do.
    Love you Kim Phillips

    1. Thanks Kim!! I really appreciate you being there for me throughout the years. Love you too!

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