New Moon

Last night was a night of new energy as a new moon cycle has started.

I had so many moments of clarity with the help of newly made family in my life. Two beautiful souls have opened themselves up to me and welcomed me with open arms and have been helping me heal. I am forever grateful.

8/11/18 Is the New Moon (Solar eclipse) in Leo. Creativity, Higher self-connection, passion, heart-centered, inner child, self-expression, romance, purpose drive are all themes for this new moons fiery energy. Also, Mercury retrograde ends August 17th, and Mars Retrograde ends August 27th. Plus that full blood moon on July 27th that was the longest of the century.

There is a major shift in energy happening, can you feel it?!

I have been, that’s for sure. With guidance and a lot of tears, I have come to a lot of realizations about my life and what I have to change to move forward. We all have things we need to let go of in order to move forward. If we keep holding onto things from our past, the shift of transformation won’t be able to happen. Letting go of chains that have been holding me down to my past life have been stopping me from truly moving forward. In order for the growth to happen, I need to take control and stop letting these things control me.

You will know deep down in your gut, AKA your intuition, if something is not meant for you. I have had something stressing me out and weighing me down for months.

Use the energy right now to start creating your dream life.

You have everything you need inside you to live the life you want to live right now! Stop waiting for that “thing” to happen, it’s not going to happen unless you go out there and make it happen.

Take life by the balls, as they say.

I’m launching my website tomorrow, and I couldn’t be more excited. This is another new shift in my life. I believe this might be my calling. I have wanted to do this for so long, but have listened to that inner voice I’ve been told my whole life, that I wouldn’t be able to make it my reality. That time is OVER!

This is my life, and I am creating it to be the life that I want. Life is too short to be miserable. Life is too short to live the way people expect you to live. Once you are able to let go, is when you are able to truly become the person you are destined to be.

I read this article about the top things people regret on their deathbed. One of them was not living life for themselves.

I feel like we all fall into the habit, by societal norms and parental conditioning, of living our lives for other people.

Most of us don’t even realize it. It can take years of therapy, isolation, healing, and guidance to break free from the chains that weigh us down. Some of us never will. We will continue to live our lives, miserable and defeated because that’s what we’re “supposed” to do.

Don’t think that way because all it takes is one thought to change everything; One thought telling yourself that you can live the life that you want to live. That thought can plant a seed, and grow a beautiful garden of possibilities. With action and belief in yourself, your life will become what you want it to be. Transformation can be scary when you’re facing the unknown. I personally have dealt with extreme anxiety from trying to have control over everything in my life and letting go of that isn’t easy.

What I’m learning, though, is that nothing good in life comes easy.

All you have to do is trust in yourself that it can happen, stay positive, and never give up. The only time you can EVER fail is if you give up! Roadblocks are not failures, but lessons to get us closer to our goals. Just trust in yourself and what is meant for you because your intuition is always right. If you really tune in, you will know what is meant for you or not.


If you have any questions or want guidance through a tarot reading, please contact me via the contact page. For more instructions for ordering a personalized reading, please visit the services section of my website. I look forward to meeting you and helping you find the clarity you’re looking for.