Rid Your Life Of Everything Toxic

For the last two and a half years, I have been trying to rid myself of everything toxic in my life.

I’m not just talking about drugs and alcohol, although I did remove those as well. I’m talking more about the things in your life that make your heart sad. Anything that doesn’t bring you joy into your life. This could be jobs, relationships, living situations, or bad habits; Whatever you need to get rid of in order to be happy.

I know how scary this can be at times because you would be facing the unknown. Sometimes we get comfortable doing something, or being something, or being with someone, even if it’s killing us. These are the things I needed to get rid of.

Why should we go through life feeling miserable because of something we have the power to change it?

We live in a world that allows us a lot of freedom, even if it may not feel that way. We are the only ones who can change our lives, and make the transformation happen. No one is going to save us; Only we can save ourselves.

I know so many people who think they are trapped in their situation, and that there isn’t a way out of it. Sometimes, that might be the case, but only temporarily. If you hate your job, but you rely on it to survive, you might need to find a new job before you quit that one. The only thing is that you have to believe that you can get another job. Self-limiting beliefs are the only thing that will hold you back.

You can always become the person you wish to be.

I didn’t believe this for the longest time and actually thought I was stuck. I don’t know what happened, but one day I just woke up and decided it was time to start living my life for me. So many of us are living their life for other people; To please other people, or to impress other people.

So many years, I was disappointed in myself because I wasn’t the person that I was expected to be by others. I thought I was a disappointment and thought I was never going to achieve the success that was supposedly part of my future because I had “so much potential.” Now, I know that success looks different from every person’s view.

Some people think making an extravagant amount of money is the definition of success, while others think that getting up in the morning and figuring out something to eat that day is a huge success. Some people will frown on others for where they are on their path, but we all have to try to remember that not everyone will see success in the same way.

For me, success is waking up every day with love in my heart and a smile on my face. Success is being a better person on the inside than I was yesterday. I celebrate mini successes when I do adult things, like paying the rent and going to the DMV.

No matter how big or small your success is, celebrate it!

Something that I have noticed, is that not everyone who you’re close with is going to understand your successes. Sometimes, they might not even care, even if it meant the world to you. This is why we have to learn to celebrate for ourselves!

I used to get so disappointed when I would bring up one of my projects or ideas to someone I love and they would tell me that it wasn’t possible, or I wasn’t going to be able to achieve it, or that it was stupid. Now, I just smile, because I know that this is my path, and even if people aren’t going to understand my choices, it is, after all, my choice.

Choose to live your life for you, and get rid of anything that holds you back from getting there. Choose to rid your life of everything toxic.

Put a stop to toxic relationships no matter who it is; Family, or a lifelong friend, or a stranger on the street.

If anyone is making you feel like you are less than, or you are hard to love, then you should learn to let go of that person. You can still love them and cheer them on from a distance. If someone is bringing you down when you’re trying to go up, then it is time to allow yourself to be happy and let go. Sometimes this is the hardest thing to do because people are so afraid of being alone. Trust me when I say, being alone is the best thing you can do for personal development. It will open your eyes to what you really want because you’re not going to have anyone’s opinion stopping you from going after your dreams. It will also help you become self-aware,  which will help you grow is ways you didn’t think possible.

Quit that toxic job.

If you are waking up every morning and instantly dreading your day, find something new! Life is too short to waste it on things that don’t fulfill us. Go after what you really want. Obviously, if you rely on your job to survive financially like the majority of us, please find another source of income before quitting the job you hate. It will save you a lot of stress and frustration.

Remove toxic living situations from your life.

If you are living somewhere, especially if there’s abuse involved and you don’t feel safe, or you don’t feel happy, then get out of there! I know it can be scary not knowing what comes next, but the universe is here to supply you with everything you need. There are always going to be other options, but sometimes you won’t know what they are until you’re actually in the situation. Things will always work out, and sometimes it will seem miraculous, but miracles can’t happen until you believe they can happen and you make the action. (If you or someone you know is dealing with domestic violence please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−7233 or visit https://www.thehotline.org)

Get rid of all toxic substances, and toxic habits.

This includes, but is not limited to, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, unprescribed pharmaceuticals, over the counter medications, toxic beauty supplies, sodas, fried foods, animal products, horrible sleeping patterns, overconsumption of sugar,  gambling, sex with strangers, never going outside, or scrolling your cell phone for hours. Seriously, you don’t need these things. Find something that you love to do that is going to help you grow. Seek help if you need it!! There is no shame in wanting to better yourself!!

You are so worthy of much greater things.

You have everything inside of you to be the person you wish you could be, and it is possible to do everything you want to do. All you have to do is believe it, and make necessary actions to help you get there. This includes getting rid of anything that is bringing you down or making you feel like your dreams are not achievable. You deserve to have everything you want in life.

If you feel like you absolutely can not leave the situation you’re in, or don’t know how, please reach out to me via the Contact Page. I would love to talk to you and get to know you. I can offer different resources to help, that have helped me, or just open ears to listen. Sometimes that’s all we really need.

Take a moment to look at these areas in your life. Is there anything or anyone holding you back from living your dream life?

I love you so much and thank you for existing.

If you would like a tarot reading for direction or answers, I would love to help you find the clarity you wish to have. Please contact me after reading the Tarot Section on the Services Page.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. I love this post! The topic is perfect for every day life and a reminder to release the toxicity in life. I’ve had to walk away from toxic people before. Cutting them out of my life wasn’t easy but it was necessary and I know I’m better now because of that. Toxic habits, surroundings and even stuff we own can weigh you down. Your blog post is a good reminder to just let it go! <3

    1. People are definitely the hardest to remove. Not only because you have to choose to walk away, but also because they have the choice to let it happen peacefully or they can cause even more havoc before it is completely over.

      You are so strong, and a huge inspiration. I can’t wait for the day you write about your own story and help so many others like you’ve helped me. <3

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