Currently Occupation: Unemployed Artist

Today marks two weeks that I've been unemployed. Covid-19 has affected everyone in various ways, but being unemployed is one of the most common. Over 3 million people have been infected by this virus, and over 200,000 people have died. While those numbers are scary, and high, it doesn't compare to the number of people, in the U.S. alone, that have been let go from their jobs and are now unemployed. There are now over 33 Million unemployed people in America right now. This unemployment number is higher than it has been since 1934. The consequences of our future economic security are going to be devastating. Unfortunately, I don't believe we will be going back to normal any time soon. While this pending doom of our economy is lurking around every corner, and every news outlet, I am feeling strangely okay. These last two weeks of being unemployed have been the most productive two weeks I've had in a really long time. This moment, however long it will last, is…

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Google Adsense – Monetizing Your Blog

I am a noob when it comes to building an online business, but I have been learning a lot in the last year and a half. When I created my website, I wasn’t creating it to make money. I wanted a place that I could safely share things I’m passionate about and offer help to anyone who might be going through any similar experiences. Even though I’ve had a website for over a year, I recently found out how easy it is to monetize your blog with Google Adsense.  If you’ve been to my website before, you may have noticed that I have advertisements at the top of each page.  This is because I have officially synced my website with Google Adsense. This process was very easy and allows me to make (a very small amount of) money every time someone visits my website. I also make a little from any time someone clicks on a link, and a kickback if someone buys anything from the advertised link.  This was…

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Law of Attraction: The Scales of Life

Imagine that your life is a scale; One of those “old-school” ones with two sides. One side of the scale represents everything good in life, or all of your positive thoughts, emotions or actions. The other side of the scale represents all of the bad things, or the negative thoughts, emotions or actions. What most of us don’t realize, though, is that we control what we put into either side of the scale. Through the law of attraction, the more we put into one side or the other, life will ultimately become “better” or “worse.” Rhonda Byrnes talks about this concept a lot in her book (and movie), The Secret, to better explain the Law of Attraction and how it works. Recently, I lost control of that thought process. I tilted my scale deep into the dark side. When it rains, it pours, right? However, I was having a really hard time seeing anything positive in my life. It was one thing after another for about six long months. I…

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