Write Your Personal Vision Statement!

When I started learning about the Law of Attraction, I kept hearing about different exercises to help you start manifesting the life of your dreams. The first two are every day you write down five things you are grateful for and five positive affirmations. The last thing was a vision statement. A vision statement is more commonly written by businesses. Wikipedia describes it as this, “A vision statement is a declaration of an organization's objectives, intended to guide its internal decision-making.” An article from Hack Life (1) says that a vision statement is like a photograph of your future business, which gives your business shape and direction. Imagine doing this for yourself, and not for a business. Writing a vision statement of your life, which gives your life shape and direction. You write this vision statement as if your life is already your dream life and try to be as specific as possible. If you’re a visual person, you can also make a vision board, which is making a collage…

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The Secret To Life

Have you taken the time to be grateful today? Before learning about the Law Of Attraction, I was a “Why is this happening to me” kind of person. Like most, I believed that life just happened to you and that I was dealt a bad hand. I thought I had bad luck. I was constantly saying, “Life isn’t fair!” (Or “Things are never easy.”  Or "Things never work out the way I want them to.").  I had no idea that these were my “mantras” and I was creating that reality for myself. If you haven’t heard of the Law Of Attraction, I recommend reading The Secret. It is the most comprehensive and easiest to understand. If you’re interested, you can find it here.  https://amzn.to/2MwxV3M After reading this book, everything clicked almost immediately. My own thoughts were the reason for a lot of issues I was having in life. Life wasn’t happening to me, it was happening because of me. By telling myself that nothing ever goes the way I wanted…

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Find Your “Why”

Do you know what your purpose is? For the majority of my life, until very recently, I have struggled with what people would call “finding their purpose.” Some people know as soon as they’re born that they’re going to be a basketball player, a doctor, a musician, or whatever it may be. Some of us, well, it can feel like we will never figure it out. I have tried a lot of different things; Nursing, Art, Writing, Psychology, Graphic Design, Photography, Cosmetology. I’ve went to and dropped out of school 4 times before going back to hair school just so I could say I completed something. Fast forward to three years later, and my now out-of-state cosmetology license is expired, and I’d have to go back to school to get it renewed. It’s not like I was going to use it anyways, but it would be nice to have something to show for all of my remaining student debt. I have tried countless different hobbies, and fully plunged into all…

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