Law of Attraction: The Scales of Life

Imagine that your life is a scale; One of those “old-school” ones with two sides. One side of the scale represents everything good in life, or all of your positive thoughts, emotions or actions. The other side of the scale represents all of the bad things, or the negative thoughts, emotions or actions. What most of us don’t realize, though, is that we control what we put into either side of the scale. Through the law of attraction, the more we put into one side or the other, life will ultimately become “better” or “worse.” Rhonda Byrnes talks about this concept a lot in her book (and movie), The Secret, to better explain the Law of Attraction and how it works. Recently, I lost control of that thought process. I tilted my scale deep into the dark side. When it rains, it pours, right? However, I was having a really hard time seeing anything positive in my life. It was one thing after another for about six long months. I…

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Three Years Dry: What My Sobriety Feels Like

As of yesterday (1/8/19), I am officially three years sober. Now, anyone in the 12-step program might argue with me about the term “sober” since I still actively use cannabis. I live in a legal state and consider the use to be medicinal, but everyone will have their own opinion. Whatever your stance is on smoking weed, by sober I mean free from alcohol. I haven’t had a drink in three years. This is something that I would consider an accomplishment. People who know me and care about me tell me they’re proud of me so it must be an accomplishment of some sort. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like I’ve accomplished anything, though. That’s probably because I still struggle with it on a regular, if not daily, basis. I don’t know why I think that drinking is going to make me feel better when I can easily remember how much it controlled my life. I didn’t go more than two days without drinking, and I couldn’t just have “one or…

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