Google Adsense – Monetizing Your Blog

I am a noob when it comes to building an online business, but I have been learning a lot in the last year and a half. When I created my website, I wasn’t creating it to make money. I wanted a place that I could safely share things I’m passionate about and offer help to anyone who might be going through any similar experiences. Even though I’ve had a website for over a year, I recently found out how easy it is to monetize your blog with Google Adsense.  If you’ve been to my website before, you may have noticed that I have advertisements at the top of each page.  This is because I have officially synced my website with Google Adsense. This process was very easy and allows me to make (a very small amount of) money every time someone visits my website. I also make a little from any time someone clicks on a link, and a kickback if someone buys anything from the advertised link.  This was…

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Ideas For Online Income

You may have noticed that I have an advertisement on my website now. I have been trying to build an online income from some time. This blog has been active for over a year and I just now (01-2020) found out that I could easily monetize this website using Google Adsense. Obviously, without a lot of traffic, I'm not going to be getting rich from the ads on my website, but what are some other ways to build an online income? One of the main tips I've gotten when trying to build an online business is to create multiple streams of income and to "stack" your online income sources. I have compiled a list of 8 Online Income options that I plan to utilize now and in the future. I hope this list helps you come up with your own ideas and plans in you are trying to build an online income. If you have other ideas for online income, please comment below! I'd love to hear of any ideas…

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Under Construction

I purchased my domain name ( on July 16, 2018. At this point, I had no idea what I was doing. I just bought a website, and I wanted to start a blog, but I didn't know where to start. Like anyone who has never done research into website design, I had no idea what a host site was. I also didn't know that I would be watching HOURS of YouTube tutorials. As soon as I thought up the name My Basic Journey, I just knew that was it; That was the name of my website, my blog, my brand. That was the name I have been looking for all of these years. One night I was watching videos on how to start a YouTube channel. I came across a video that said in order to be successful on YouTube, you have to direct your videos towards a specific niche. (I.E. Instead of making a channel all about dogs, you would make a channel all about Pomeranians.) I somewhat agree…

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