The Secret To Life

Have you taken the time to be grateful today?

Before learning about the Law Of Attraction, I was a “Why is this happening to me” kind of person. Like most, I believed that life just happened to you and that I was dealt a bad hand. I thought I had bad luck. I was constantly saying, “Life isn’t fair!” (Or “Things are never easy.”  Or “Things never work out the way I want them to.”).  I had no idea that these were my “mantras” and I was creating that reality for myself.

If you haven’t heard of the Law Of Attraction, I recommend reading The Secret. It is the most comprehensive and easiest to understand. If you’re interested, you can find it here.

After reading this book, everything clicked almost immediately. My own thoughts were the reason for a lot of issues I was having in life. Life wasn’t happening to me, it was happening because of me. By telling myself that nothing ever goes the way I wanted it to, well, life wasn’t going to go the way I wanted it to.

The Law of Attraction is happening whether we believe it is or not. No matter what religion or spirituality practice you are involved in, the Law of Attraction is mentioned and accepted as the truth. It’s not just for people who believe in “that woo-woo stuff.”

How the Law of Attraction works is simple: With your thoughts and words, and with intentional action, you create the reality you live in. The energy you put out into the universe is the energy that will come back to you.

This is where gratitude comes in. Gratitude is the highest vibrational energy that a human can emit which is why it is extremely important to practice gratitude on a daily basis.

I say practice because it’s not always easy to be grateful after you’ve spilled your coffee down your shirt on the way to a job you hate. Also, on the way there, your car dies, you have to get a tow, and then you get fired for missing another day of work. On top of it all, you get home to find out your dog has taken it upon himself to find that stir fry you buried at the bottom of your trash bin.

During these moments, it is so easy to feel feelings of frustration, sadness, a loss of hope, depression, or anger, but putting those thoughts and feelings out into the universe is only going to attract more of those things to you.

Expressing gratitude in moments like these is extremely hard to do, I understand that, but if you can find some underlying reason to be grateful, DO IT! The universe will respond to you with more things to be grateful for. Even if its, “Damn, today sucked major booty hole, but thank goodness I’m still alive.” Or “I’m so happy when my car died that no one was hurt”

Instead of asking yourself “Why is this happening to me?,” Ask yourself, “What is this going to teach me?”

The universe is always working in our favor. This divine energy is constantly giving us what we’re asking for. Sometimes it is in frustrating ways that are hard to make sense of when it’s happening. Maybe all of that stuff happened that day because an opportunity for a new job that is closer in alignment to what you really want was on its way to you. Perhaps it wouldn’t have been available if you had made it to work that day.

Just trust in the process, and that what you want is on its way to you. Then, sit back, go with the flow and watch your life manifest into your dream life.

If you’re anything like me, you’re probably extremely skeptical right now and are probably doubting that the secret to life could be so simple. There’s a simple exercise you can do to show you how easy it can be, and doing this one thing every day changed my life around. Every day, after you wake up, say out loud five things you are grateful for. You could also get a small gratitude journal and write it down as you’re saying them. I feel like writing them down as well as speaking them gives them more energy.

This small action is something that can tilt the scales in your favor. The more things you can be grateful for, the more things that are going to come to you to be grateful for.

Just try it.

Life happens, and we all are struggling in our own way, but that doesn’t mean we are defeated. Our failures, mistakes, losses or pains do not define us. Our past does not define us. How we react to life (and people) define us; Also our thoughts and attitudes towards the situation.

I hope that if you’re going through a hard time right now, you know how beautiful and worthy you are. You deserve to be happy and you deserve love. You are love. I know it is hard, and I know it feels like it’s never going to end, but trust me, it is. It will get better and it will turn around. You just have to believe it.

Believe that you deserve everything you’ve ever dreamed of. Express gratitude for the life you have in this moment, even if it’s hard to see the silver lining.

It is very easy to get lost in our minds. I have treaded in the depths of depression with crippling anxiety for the majority of my adolescent and adult life. However, there’s always a reason to be grateful. Be grateful for breath. Be grateful for the love inside of you, for it is the love inside of you that is allowing you to feel the pain you are in. Your sadness and frustration are there because you know deep inside that you deserve more than your current state. Allow yourself to be grateful for that and watch how quickly it turns around.

Thank you so much for being here. I love each and every one of you so much. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions. If you would like to have a tarot reading done, and maybe find a bit of clarity, reach out to me via the contact form on the top menu after you’ve read the “Tarot Readings” section on the services page.

I hope you all find something to be grateful for today.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Beautiful post about such an important topic! In 2007 I was gifted a copy of The Secret. It took me a while to fully grasp what it was revealing but once I got it, I got it! It’s such a simple concept that goes head to head with this chaotic world. There’s so much negativity going around that it’s difficult to feel gratitude for it. As if we have to feel something positive in order to feel the gracious vibe. I learned that gratitude for the shadow of life is just as important as gratitude for the light. One cannot be without the other, or else there would be no growth, no evolution. It’s the balance. Again, beautiful post and I’m grateful that you’ve taken the time and focus to share it with the world. 🙂

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