Using Journals to Manifest Your Dream Life

Do you journal?

I have always been a huge fan of journaling. I have had a journal since I was able to write and have consistently written in them on a regular basis. Sometimes, it’s every day, sometimes it’s once a month; It all goes with how I’m feeling.

What we write also puts out an energy into the universe. All of our thoughts, words, and actions give off an energy. With the law of attraction always working, whether the energy is good or bad, it will return to you. Be careful with, not only, the words you say out loud, but your thoughts and feelings towards something. This goes for what you write as well. Write out of love and out of compassion. Write with intention and believe what you’re writing, and you can use journaling to manifest your desires.

I have three journals currently in process. The first one is my personal journal, or diary if you will, and I use a standard lined journal with a faux leather cover that I have covered with stickers along the last two years. I use this to write out my thoughts and feelings, daily events, any dreams I may have, personal tarot readings, stories, or anything else that is about my personal life. Keeping a diary is an awesome and free way to express how we’re feeling without having an audience. It’s a safe space for us to write what we are going through without feeling any judgment.

A fun and revealing journaling exercise is to wake up in the morning and write out an entire page. Don’t try to think about it, just write. This form of writing can reveal some things that you’ve been unable to release and can bring clarity to these thoughts and feelings that maybe you were subconsciously holding onto.

The second journal I keep is sort of like a business journal. This one is a bit more boring than my diary as it’s just your typical school notebook. It is standard college ruled; No pocket, though I prefer one. I bought this one because it had a pretty star design on it. I started this when I first joined a network marketing business, but when I decided I wanted to start my OWN business the journal turned into my personal business journal. This is where I write down all of my ideas, anything I learn, notes from educational books or videos, and outlines of future content. Having this helps keep my business thoughts organized. This journal looks a little messy on the inside as I fill it will random ideas or concepts, but it’s better than having it all as mental clutter.

Organization is the purpose of my third, and last, journal. It is my bullet journal. I have just recently started my first bullet journal, but I have always kept a daily planner which is essentially what a bullet journal is. The main difference is that your bullet journal allows you to be creative and have fun while you plan and manifest your life. I plan on doing a full overview of my bullet journal, what it entails, what journal and pens I use, how to keep it organized, and different ideas for your own bullet journal.

To keep it simple, my bullet journal is my tool (along with google calendar and a spreadsheet I created) that helps me stay on track and achieve goals. When I have a goal written down on paper with a deadline, I have a better chance of completing it than if I only have my goal in my head. When we write something out we give it action. This energy you put out into the universe is now going to try to manifest itself in your life. Also, physically seeing it rather than relying on your memory is something that will keep you crushing your goals on a regular basis.

The best part about the bullet journal is that it’s personalized to you. You get to lay it out however you want, and decorate it, or don’t decorate it, to fit your personal style and reflection. There are so many videos, Pinterest posts, and blogs on the infinite ways to bullet journal so I’ll leave a few examples.

I seriously love my bullet journal and will make a video of mine eventually. Although I am still new to the BuJo Life, I am already head over heels. I have been a huge journaler since childhood, and obsessed with buying stationary. After many years of collecting, I ended up with a shoe box that was overflowing with pens, pencils, and highlighters; I had to transfer them to a bag when it got too full. I recently donated the bag to the office I work in because it was too much. Most of the pens weren’t even cool; just your standard bic or papermate.

Another thing I love about having a bullet journal is I don’t have random papers and lists everywhere I turn. I am the notorious sticky note queen, and that has been put to rest. My BuJo is kind of a catch-all for grocery lists, budgeting, random thoughts or notes; the difference being organization.

I truly believe that journaling has helped me manifest a lot of things and turned goals into reality.

Do you journal?

If you do, what kind of journaling? Do you think that it helps you? Whether that’s emotional or mental purging and clarity, or a place to dump and store your ideas, or a way to plan out your entire life; Journaling is a helpful tool for anyone. In fact, there are tons of different and surprising benefits to keeping a journal.

An article from Huffington Post goes into detail about 10 different benefits of journaling:

  1. Stretching your IQ
  2. Evoking Mindfulness
  3. Achieving Goals
  4. Emotional Intelligence
  5. Boosting memory and comprehension
  6. Strengthen Self-discipline
  7. Improve communication skills
  8. Healing
  9. Spark your creativity
  10. Confidence

I honestly think that I’ve experienced all of these benefits from journaling over the years. I hope this has been helpful, as it has been helpful for me. If you have any questions at all about journaling or anything, please contact me. I would love to help in any way that I can.

Thank you so much for being here. This is my fourth journal; my e-journal. I have had many e-journals before, but this one is mine. I started My Basic journey with the intent to share and help people and I love how much it is actually helping me. Blogging is another way to manifest your dream life. You are sharing your love and personal experiences which can help others as well as yourself, which the universe sees and applauds you for. All of our experiences and what we have learned from them can be helpful to others. If you are ever wanting to start a blog, but don’t know where to begin, please reach out to me!

I love you all and I’m grateful for each and every one of you! You are beautiful and generous with your love and acceptance. I appreciate your unique qualities and the brilliant ideas that you present to the world. You are strong and capable of anything you want in life. You are already the person you desire to be, but all you have to do is believe it too.

Thank you.




Bullet Journal I have:

Bullet Journal I want:

Diary Example Journal:


If you would like a tarot reading for clarity or direction, please contact me after you’ve read the tarot section on the Services page. I would love to give you a reading and help you feel at peace.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. I love journaling and I’ve done it for about 2 decades now. I’ve kept some and burned some and all of it was amazing. I love the idea of bullet journaling!

    1. Steph, you would LOOOVEE bullet Journaling. It is an awesome way to be creative, and stay organized. You can put whatever you want in it. Some people glue photos in there as memories, or make collages, doodles, anything! You would love it. <3

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