Already A Month Into VanLife

Already A Month Into VanLife

I have officially been living in my van for six weeks. The news of me moving in and starting VanLife was sudden, and only a weeks notice was given. My thoughts have been scrambled since then, so I haven’t taken the time to blog about it.

Life is silly that way.

One day I’m worried about what the future holds because life was put on pause due to the coronavirus; The next day, I’m packing up my van to start the greatest adventure of my life.

I was offered a camp host position in early March, before Covid-19 really took the world by storm. By mid-April I was sure this opportunity was over because everything was closed down. When they called me at the end of May to be there the first week of June (literally 6 days later), my anxiety went into overdrive.

I wanted this so badly, so why was I so scared to start my VanLife journey?

Then I remembered this small decor item that was gifted to me by my previous business mentor that quotes, “If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough.”

I have wanted an opportunity like this for so long, that now that it was within reach, I was nervous. Everything I was working towards the last few years has finally come into fruition. It’s a scary moment, yet extremely exciting and exhilarating, when your dreams are finally coming true.

Now we’re here, a month later, and I still have moments of disbelief and awe for where I’m at in life.

Five years ago, I was a drugged-out alcoholic living in my mom’s basement. Four years of sobriety and immensely difficult inner work later, here I am. Sober, happy, and manifesting my dreams.

I’ve worked so hard to get to where I’m at. I’ve had so many people tell me I’m crazy, and that my dreams were unrealistic. However, these dreams I’ve had is what kept me going and has kept me from relapsing. I am living proof that no dream is too big.

As long as you’re willing to put in the work, you can achieve anything you put your mind to.

This hasn’t been easy; The entire journey, even now, has been full of ups and downs. Learning to live “comfortably” in a minivan, mostly outdoors, is a challenge in itself. Even though I accomplished the goal of getting here, I’m still learning more every day as I’m presented with new challenges.

Learning about water conservation, living without electricity, adjusting to living in such a small space, living minimally, and working to stay comfortable in a multitude of environments are just a few of the things I’ve had to conquer.

VanLife and this lifestyle isn’t for everyone.

Ask yourself, before you decide this is your dream, how willing are you to poop in a bag if necessary?

Thank you to everyone who has been supportive of my nomadic dreams. I wouldn’t be here without a lot of you. Also a big thanks to anyone who doubted me because you just motivated me even more.

Even through all of the trivialities that I’ve faced, this first month in my van has shown me that this really is what I want to be doing with my life.

I can’t wait to see where this VanLife adventure takes me, but I’m happy to have you all here with me.

Thanks again for being here and joining me on my ever changing journey. Please feel free to reach out with any questions either by commenting below, or messaging me through the contact page. I try to get back to everyone! Also, please sign up for emails at the top right of this page. You guys are the best!


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Hello…thanks for making the effort to blog….I’m glad things are going well for you….you have a great attitude about your adventures and the associated challenges….I’ve been catching up on your YouTube videos. I wanted to let you know how much I loved your Northwest String Summit video…I’ve added it to my bucket list.

    You did a great job making the video and sharing the experience….I felt like I was there. It is this weekend and they are having a virtual festival (I’m sure you know this) because of Covid so I hope to get to enjoy some of it. If not for your video I would not have had this opportunity to enjoy this wonderful music and the amazing love/energy of the Summit.

    Thanks again for your blogs and videos…you are bringing great joy to your followers. Stay safe and keep dreaming….

    1. Thank you so much, Veronica!! Strummit is the festival that feels like home. I love it there so much and can’t wait to return. I really appreciate this sweet message! xoxo

  2. Chantelle,
    This is so awesome, I am so proud of you for following your dreams. You are a amazing beautiful person who has overcome so much in life & most people would have been lost or locked up somewhere. Keep following your dreams sweet Heart you got this 100%.
    Love you Kim Phillips

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