Why I Actually Hate The Holidays..

The older I get, the more I hate the holidays; Especially Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a holiday that essentially celebrates genocide, and we do this by killing 300,000,000 turkeys a year. That’s right… Three hundred million! Then, before the night is over after we get done saying how grateful we are, we go and spend a shit-ton of money on gifts for the people we’re grateful for. Some of us even put ourselves into debt because of this.

It’s a huge consumerism trap, and I’m finally breaking free.

Some people may think I’m just crazy, but hear me out. Without giving a huge history lecture, basically, a group of white refugees came to a new country fleeing their corrupt government. The natives greeted them with a feast and blessings, welcoming them with open arms. Then the white men went on to almost wipe out their entire race, raping their women and stealing their land.

Now, we celebrate these events by buying a turkey. Here’s a little history video about that.

After watching this, I don’t understand how anyone would want to participate in that.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about having a meal with your loved ones and expressing gratitude for them.

All in all, it just seems weird to me to save all of our gratitude for one another for a day that revolves around greed and cruelty.

On top of that, some places start around 6 or 7 pm on Thanksgiving day for “Black Friday” now. It used to be you had to wait until 6 am or so and go super early. That’s how it was when I was a kid anyways. Now people are leaving after dinner to go get these “super awesome deals.”

We live in a world controlled by consumerism. It’s everywhere you look; Telling you what you need in your life to be happy. It’s a crock.

Here’s a video about Black Friday.

I used to believe the worst thing that could happen on the holidays would be to spend them alone. Now, the worst thing about the holidays is knowing the truth behind them. Also because a lot of people don’t know this, or don’t believe it. Which, to each their own. I know the holidays are a great time for tradition and celebrating love, family and bringing everyone together. That is what I can appreciate about the holidays.

People will open their hearts more to others around the holidays. There’s a lot more social support in the community as well. More people volunteer and more people donate during the holidays.

I just wish these awesome traits weren’t clouded over by all of the negative aspects of the holidays.

Does anyone else feel this way? I still want to try to feel festive and celebrate all of the love that is surrounding the holidays. However, for all of those empaths out there, there’s always a background hum of stress and anxiety around the holidays. People will “break” themselves to show someone they “care.”

There are more ways to show someone you care besides going broke for them.


If you are interested in learning more about the horrid truths, click on these links.




Documentaries To Look Into:



P.S. This is not to offend anyone. I was very much swept up by the consumerist lifestyle not too long ago, and also still fall victim from time to time. You know, that one thing you just have to have, even though you don’t reallllly need it. Yeah. It happens, I get it.

I have just been really learning more and more about the environmental standpoint and how much consuming controls everything in the world. Soon enough, I was a slave to the system laid out for me. I am trying to break free of those chains, and hopefully show others too.  Regardless of what your holiday traditions are, I hope you are filled with love and light. I hope you connect with loved ones and share quality time with them. <3