Your Gut Is Your Second Brain

Today, I got a swift reminder to always follow my gut. It is the second brain in our body and will guide us in the right direction.

Letting go has been one of the hardest things for me to learn. I repeat lesson after lesson on letting go and somehow always fail the same test that is given to me. Life has a funny way of doing that, you know. Testing us.

I always have this feeling when something isn’t right for me, and sometimes I listen to it. Other times, out of fear of the unknown, I won’t listen to it, and that’s usually when something bad happens. Either way, I get that feeling ahead of time and I have the choice to listen to it or not. Sometimes, in certain circumstances, bad things do happen without warning, However, a lot of times the universe has sent us a sign and it’s up to us to listen to it or face karma that’s coming.

It might be that wrenching, gut feeling you get, but it could also be a phone call before leaving for work one day that makes you miss your bus, or forgetting your purse and having to turn around on your way to a meeting. Whatever the sign is, the universe has these things happen for a reason.

About three months ago, I had a feeling like my job wasn’t meant for me anymore, and that I wasn’t going to get where I wanted to go if I continued there. I, of course, pushed this thought away because I have bills to pay. Plus, I was the only one in my position so I would have to train a new person. I also really liked the owners so I didn’t want to just leave them high and dry.  I had all of these reasons for holding on to a job that was no longer serving me.

This morning I went to work and was let go.

I was told there just weren’t hours for me right now. The company isn’t doing well so they have to let people go. He was super nice about it, and he offered me a small severance pay and a letter of recommendation. It was actually a respectful and peaceful exit.

I think that if I wasn’t aware of the power of the universe, and know that this occurrence was just another sign letting me know that I have better things out there for me, I probably would have freaked out and started crying. It probably would have ended a lot worse. I’ve learned, though, that for better things to enter into my life, I needed to let go of the things that weren’t meant for me.

After calling the unemployment office, I went to start printing off more resumes. While I’m doing that, I get a phone call asking me to come in the next day for an interview. I am so shocked by the law of attraction in motion that I almost fainted when an e-mail came in for the same reason: A second interview is scheduled for tomorrow! Since I received that “gut feeling” that this job wasn’t for me,  I was keeping an eye on craigslist and sending over my resume to places over the last few months, and they just happened to call me the day I was let go.

The universe really does work in mysterious ways.

If you’re going through a hard time right now, or you just got let go from your job and you have rent due in two weeks along with all of your other bills. Trust in the process. Believe that good things are coming. Put in the actions needed with intention.

Life has a crazy way of taking us to our destinations and no road to success is a straight road. I am still learning to let go and trust in myself and the greater power and will bring you along on this crazy road called life. The ups and downs and all arounds; We all experience these many detours and roadblocks. It gets a lot easier when we let go.

It makes me think of being on a roller coaster. I used to love them as a kid. (Deathly afraid as an adult, and it might take a while before I can gather up the courage to try again.) When you’re on the ride, and you’re holding on for dear life, closing your eyes, and clenching so hard you think your teeth are going to break, the ride feels scary and intense. When you learn to let go and put your hands up and let your body flow the course, it’s a smooth ride and a lot of fun. It took facing my fears and courage to learn this, just like every other obstacle in life.

Life will always take us on crazy turns and turn us upside down, but if we can learn to let go and put our hands up, it could be an enjoyable ride.

We should trust our intuition as it knows what is best for us. Only you will know what is best for you. If you are ever in a situation whether it’s a job, or a relationship, or a living situation, and you have a feeling that it is not for you, then it isn’t, and you should do what you can to get out of it. I know how scary it can be but put your hands up. All we have to do is make the first step, which is always the scariest, and the other foot will follow.

If we go back a couple feet, that’s okay too. Just take that next step!

Thank you so much for being here. I love each and every one of you, and I am grateful for your existence. Sharing my story and telling my truth is really therapeutic for me. It means the world to me knowing that someone out there is reading a little piece of my heart.



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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Onward! To new and better things! You’ve got this! <3

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