Autumn Equinox: Ready For Fall

Tomorrow, September 22, 2018, is the Autumn Equinox and I am so ready for fall to begin.

It is one of the two times during the year when the light is perfectly poised between night and day. The amount of light and dark are completely equal. Here, in the Northern Hemisphere, we are returning to the darker part of the year. Every day we will see a little less light throughout our day until the winter solstice.

This weekend is a good time to celebrate balance.

Our days will be getting colder, and our nights a little longer, and to some of us who live in colder climates may be counting down the days of the last bit of warmth. However, now is the perfect time to celebrate equilibrium.
The sun will start its journey through Libra for this equinox, which is the sign of the scales; The sign of balance. It is the perfect time to balance ourselves out and find that “middle-ground” we’ve been wanting for so long. This will be a time to slow down and collect your thoughts as the energy will become calmer and less energetic than the recent previous months.

The Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon, is a time to focus on abundance, gratitude, and shifts of energy.

Mabon is a time of mid-harvest when all crops are taken down, and the ground starts turning brown. It is time to take a few moments and give thanks for everything we have and sharing our abundance with those less fortunate.

As the energy of the Earth shifts, we shift with it.

This shift in energy affects us all since we are all one with the Earth, whether we are aware of it or not. I truly believe I have what they call Seasonal Affective Disorder, which basically means when the seasons change, my vibration dramatically changes too. It is kind of ironic that the abbreviation for the disorder, SAD, describes how I tend to feel when seasons changes to a darker, colder state. Luckily, I was able to become aware of this, and I have moved to an area that doesn’t get harsh winters anymore.

Once we are conscious of our connection to the Earth and how the planetary alignment, and even the moon, affect our behaviors, then we have the ability to control how we react to the shift.

Anyone who hasn’t looked into astronomy or astrology might think I’m talking crazy talk and might not believe in this “woo woo” stuff. I think the best way to start understanding is to start by looking into your own birth chart. You can go here (  to find it, and just start reading and learning about your own birth chart. After that, start looking into the people you know.
Looking into other people’s signs and birth charts is how I became obsessed with astrology. I started reading into all of the signs, and their ruling planets. More often than not, the accuracy is uncanny.

There is still so much that I don’t know and I’m still learning about how the position of our planet in relation to the sun, the other planets that pass through, the cycle of the moon affect us all individually.

Since all of us are entirely unique and different than one another, the autumnal equinox will affect us all differently. I think it is so intriguing that each and every one of us come into life at an exact moment of time and space unique from anyone else which is why all of us have unique, individualized personalities.
This exact moment in time, along with many other factors and experiences that happen to us during our lifetime, define who we are characteristically. The awesome part is that no one else is ever going to have the same exact birth chart as you. We are all uniquely different from one another like snowflakes, or fingerprints.

Whatever you believe, fall is here whether we are ready for it or not.

We will start having longer nights and shorter days, and the winter months are on their way. If you’re affected by this like I am then don’t fret! Fall is a time of letting go. Before we know it, the winter solstice will be here and daylight will slowly come back more every day; Offering a time of renewal and starting over.

Think of the coming months as the time to mend and repair yourself and reinvent your life goals before the winter solstice comes and allows you a fresh start.

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to me using the contact page or leave a comment below. I also offer tarot readings if you’re into that kind of thing, and can offer answers and clarity to those who want it.
Thank you so much for being here! I love all of you so much and I’m grateful for your existence.
P.S. About 10 years ago, when I first started getting interested in astrology, I bought this book: It even comes with a free CD for your computer with an accurate birth chart calculator that is extremely thorough and easy to understand. I honestly brought this thing with me everywhere I went. I was obsessed.