Crazy About CBD

I talk about mental health quite often on this blog, and it's no secret that I've had my fair share of psychological issues. Anxiety has been a battle of mine over the last 4 years. I tried a lot of different natural remedies and pretty much every option that kept me away from taking pharmaceuticals. CBD was the only thing that I have found that actually helps. When I mentioned on my YouTube channel that I used CBD to help with my anxiousness and panic attacks, a lot of people were interested. So what exactly is CBD? CBD stands from cannabidiol, and it one of the two prevalent active ingredients of cannabis. THC is the one that gets you high; Whereas, CBD is the non-psychoactive component of cannabis. CBD is derived from the hemp plant, which is a cousin of the marijuana plant. The hemp plant itself can be extremely beneficial to the world (paper, a replacement to plastic, building houses), but CBD has many medicinal properties. CBD has been…

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Celebrating 420 in Quarantine

Today is a day for celebration. 420 is commenced, but there's only one issue: We're all in quarantine. Since this is the first year in over 15 years that I haven't spent 420 with other people, I figured I share it with all of you. As we all know, and for those of you who don't know, I am 100% pro cannabis. This includes legalization for all medical and recreational use. Weed always gets a bad reputation of being a gateway drug. For me, weed has helped me stay OFF of drugs. I've been sober for over four years now and the only medication I use to stay sober is marijuana. There isn't a better day to celebrate my appreciation for cannabis than today, 420. For those of you who still think cannabis is dangerous, or the devil's lettuce, I wanted to list some of the other things found in the scientific study by Harvard University on the medical uses of Marijuana. Cannabis has so many medicinal properties that could…

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Summer Is Here | No Longer SAD

If you're like me, you might deal with an influx of depression and like feelings during winter months. It's cold and wet here in the pacific north west, and it stays grey for five months straight. When March finally brings days with peeps of sunshine, everyone crawls out of their caves and it's like the town comes alive again. Thank goodness summer is officially here and I can start feeling human again. I've notice when the days get darker and greyer, my mood gets darker and greyer. There's actually a term for this; It's called SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder. I know so many people this affects, but it's never really talked about. Mental Health, in general, isn't something that is openly talked about. The majority of us tend to suffer in silence and hope it goes away in fear of the social stigma placed on mental health issues. This is the worst thing you could do. Always reach out to someone in times of sorrow; Whether that's a friend,…

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Avoiding Conformity

Many of us go through life following the path that many generations before us have been following. Society criticizes anyone who tries to walk on their own path and break away from the life of conformity. Stepping out of the traditional path is challenging in many ways, but what is more rewarding than living the life you want to live? It has taken me a very long time to get to a point where I feel comfortable stepping out of conformity. Maybe some of you can relate to this. When I was a kid, my parents were pretty strict. I had a lot of rules and lived a pretty sheltered life. I lived with my parents as an only child in suburbia. Both of my parents worked a lot growing up and I was alone often. I watched them work their way from a studio apartment with a pull out bed to a 2400 sq ft home. I am actually extremely grateful for my upbringing, and that I had such…

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Transferred To The Hospital (Pancreatitis Series #2)

  In my last blog, I explained the events that lead up to me being in the ER and being transferred to another hospital to get emergency gallbladder removal surgery. This is a continuation of that, so if you haven't read the first part yet, start HERE. October 6, 2018 (SATURDAY still): Officially At Hotel Riverbend I was getting settled into my new room around 7:30 pm. It was nice, and when I say nice, I mean it was nicer than a lot of hotels I’ve stayed in. I had my own bathroom and on-call room service. It was very nice. Not to mention, I was on the 8th floor of a building that looked over the Willamette River and the flowing hills of Springfield, OR. It was beautiful. Around 9 p.m. I was getting antsy. Why would they tell me I need emergency surgery around 2 p.m. and at 9 p.m. I’m still waiting, sitting around watching HGTV in a motorized bed? When the next CNA comes in to…

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