Crazy About CBD

I talk about mental health quite often on this blog, and it's no secret that I've had my fair share of psychological issues. Anxiety has been a battle of mine over the last 4 years. I tried a lot of different natural remedies and pretty much every option that kept me away from taking pharmaceuticals. CBD was the only thing that I have found that actually helps. When I mentioned on my YouTube channel that I used CBD to help with my anxiousness and panic attacks, a lot of people were interested. So what exactly is CBD? CBD stands from cannabidiol, and it one of the two prevalent active ingredients of cannabis. THC is the one that gets you high; Whereas, CBD is the non-psychoactive component of cannabis. CBD is derived from the hemp plant, which is a cousin of the marijuana plant. The hemp plant itself can be extremely beneficial to the world (paper, a replacement to plastic, building houses), but CBD has many medicinal properties. CBD has been…

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Celebrating 420 in Quarantine

Today is a day for celebration. 420 is commenced, but there's only one issue: We're all in quarantine. Since this is the first year in over 15 years that I haven't spent 420 with other people, I figured I share it with all of you. As we all know, and for those of you who don't know, I am 100% pro cannabis. This includes legalization for all medical and recreational use. Weed always gets a bad reputation of being a gateway drug. For me, weed has helped me stay OFF of drugs. I've been sober for over four years now and the only medication I use to stay sober is marijuana. There isn't a better day to celebrate my appreciation for cannabis than today, 420. For those of you who still think cannabis is dangerous, or the devil's lettuce, I wanted to list some of the other things found in the scientific study by Harvard University on the medical uses of Marijuana. Cannabis has so many medicinal properties that could…

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500 Million Animals Dead in Australian Fires – A Vegan Rant
Firefighters tackle the Gospers Mountain fire outside Sydney. Parts of eastern Australia have had record low rainfall in 2019, contributing to an unusually ferocious early bushfire season. Photograph: Dean Lewins/EPA (From the Guardian Website.

500 Million Animals Dead in Australian Fires – A Vegan Rant

If you haven't heard the news yet, Australia is on fire. The Australian fires have displaced many and have destroyed everything people have including their homes and everything in them. It has gotten so bad that people have had to evacuate into the ocean to escape the burning fires. People and animals are being burned to death and there's not a lot we can do to stop it. Or is there? A map from researchers in Western Australia shows hundreds of wildfire hotspots across the nation as of Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2020. Landgate's MyFireWatch (Image from ) So far, the count of animals killed in the Australian fires is around 500 million. This number is absolutely catastrophic and depressing to say the least. However, as I read the many posts about people's sadness and anger to the lives lost, part of me is very frustrated. While it is sad that these Australian fires are taking the lives of so many, the amount of animals killed is only a small…

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American Addiction – The Rise of Fentanyl and Synthetic Opiods
Structural model of Fentanyl on the blackboard.

American Addiction – The Rise of Fentanyl and Synthetic Opiods

America has an epidemic on their hands when it comes to drug overdoses. The number of deaths has nearly doubled since 2007. According to the NIH, in 2007 the number of deaths as a result from a drug overdose was at 36,010. In 2017, we saw 70,237 people die from drug overdose and it has only gone up since then. The biggest killer on our hands has skyrocketed to the most lethal only in the last four years. Prescription opioids were the number one killer since 2001, following the crack epidemic that topped the drug charts before then. That was until 2016 when a synthetic opioid by the name of Fentanyl surpassed the prescription opioids on the charts. In 2017, out of the 70,237 people who died, 28,466 of them died from fentanyl overdose. Prescription opioids come in second with 17,029 and Heroin in third with 15,482. (4. Cocaine- 13,942 | 5. Benzos- 11,537 | 6. Psycho-stimulants (Meth)- 10,333 | 7. Other (Mostly Antidepressants)- 5,269) Opioids are obviously this eras…

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5 Documentaries That Will Make You Go Vegan

Since watching documentaries is what made me decide to go vegan, I have compiled a list of five documentaries that will make you go vegan as well. I have watched so many different documentaries on health, nutrition, veganism, weight loss, animal cruelty, environmental issues and more. Truly, I believe that you would consciously decide to leave animals off of your plate if you watch this list of five films (including a sixth as a bonus documentary). I suggest you watch them in this order as well. Earthlings This film is hard to watch, I’m not going to lie. If you honestly refuse to watch it because of the horrible things you see, that should be your first sign that you don’t agree with the animal agricultural business. Every time you buy a burger, or chicken nuggets, or that turkey sub, you are contributing to the cruelty behind the meat. It may not be taking the knife to their throat, but you’re paying them to do so. This documentary will really…

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