Happy Solstice – Shortest Day Of The Year

This year, on the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, we are blessed with not only the sight of a full moon but also a meteor shower! The full moon is technically tomorrow on the 22nd, but it will be visible to the human eye tonight. While you're staring at the moon, don't forget to search the sky for "falling stars" because it's probably actually a meteor. That's because tonight starts the annual Ursids Meteor Shower and during peak times you could see up to 10 "shooting stars" an hour! This triple whammy of a night is a great night to charge your crystals. I have been looking forward to this night for a multitude of reasons. From now on until June 21, 2019, our days will continuously get longer. It will be lighter longer and get warmer throughout the days. The warmer weather is on its way, and we only have to make it through a couple more months of colder weather before spring shows its face.…

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Autumn Equinox: Ready For Fall

Tomorrow, September 22, 2018, is the Autumn Equinox and I am so ready for fall to begin. It is one of the two times during the year when the light is perfectly poised between night and day. The amount of light and dark are completely equal. Here, in the Northern Hemisphere, we are returning to the darker part of the year. Every day we will see a little less light throughout our day until the winter solstice. This weekend is a good time to celebrate balance. Our days will be getting colder, and our nights a little longer, and to some of us who live in colder climates may be counting down the days of the last bit of warmth. However, now is the perfect time to celebrate equilibrium. The sun will start its journey through Libra for this equinox, which is the sign of the scales; The sign of balance. It is the perfect time to balance ourselves out and find that “middle-ground” we’ve been wanting for so long.…

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