Summer Is Here | No Longer SAD

If you're like me, you might deal with an influx of depression and like feelings during winter months. It's cold and wet here in the pacific north west, and it stays grey for five months straight. When March finally brings days with peeps of sunshine, everyone crawls out of their caves and it's like the town comes alive again. Thank goodness summer is officially here and I can start feeling human again. I've notice when the days get darker and greyer, my mood gets darker and greyer. There's actually a term for this; It's called SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder. I know so many people this affects, but it's never really talked about. Mental Health, in general, isn't something that is openly talked about. The majority of us tend to suffer in silence and hope it goes away in fear of the social stigma placed on mental health issues. This is the worst thing you could do. Always reach out to someone in times of sorrow; Whether that's a friend,…

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Law of Attraction: The Scales of Life

Imagine that your life is a scale; One of those “old-school” ones with two sides. One side of the scale represents everything good in life, or all of your positive thoughts, emotions or actions. The other side of the scale represents all of the bad things, or the negative thoughts, emotions or actions. What most of us don’t realize, though, is that we control what we put into either side of the scale. Through the law of attraction, the more we put into one side or the other, life will ultimately become “better” or “worse.” Rhonda Byrnes talks about this concept a lot in her book (and movie), The Secret, to better explain the Law of Attraction and how it works. Recently, I lost control of that thought process. I tilted my scale deep into the dark side. When it rains, it pours, right? However, I was having a really hard time seeing anything positive in my life. It was one thing after another for about six long months. I…

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Happy Solstice – Shortest Day Of The Year

This year, on the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, we are blessed with not only the sight of a full moon but also a meteor shower! The full moon is technically tomorrow on the 22nd, but it will be visible to the human eye tonight. While you're staring at the moon, don't forget to search the sky for "falling stars" because it's probably actually a meteor. That's because tonight starts the annual Ursids Meteor Shower and during peak times you could see up to 10 "shooting stars" an hour! This triple whammy of a night is a great night to charge your crystals. I have been looking forward to this night for a multitude of reasons. From now on until June 21, 2019, our days will continuously get longer. It will be lighter longer and get warmer throughout the days. The warmer weather is on its way, and we only have to make it through a couple more months of colder weather before spring shows its face.…

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Family Isn’t Always Blood

Coming from someone who has had a small family their entire life, along with being an only child, I can safely say that “Family” isn’t always blood. Family is what you make it, and who you choose to be your family. This is especially true if the people you are blood-related to have no interest in you, don’t support you, or have been abusive* physically or emotionally. I have so many people in my life that I consider family that aren’t actually related to me, and I love each and every one of them like they are blood. Family is a feeling that comes from the heart. We all want to have that feeling that is advertised around Christmas with the family sitting around the tree; Everyone is smiling and engaging with one another. I feel like this isn’t true for the most of us though, right? Christmas is stressful! Most families argue around the holidays, and there’s a lot of financial/consumerist obligations if you have a large family. If…

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Write Your Personal Vision Statement!

When I started learning about the Law of Attraction, I kept hearing about different exercises to help you start manifesting the life of your dreams. The first two are every day you write down five things you are grateful for and five positive affirmations. The last thing was a vision statement. A vision statement is more commonly written by businesses. Wikipedia describes it as this, “A vision statement is a declaration of an organization's objectives, intended to guide its internal decision-making.” An article from Hack Life (1) says that a vision statement is like a photograph of your future business, which gives your business shape and direction. Imagine doing this for yourself, and not for a business. Writing a vision statement of your life, which gives your life shape and direction. You write this vision statement as if your life is already your dream life and try to be as specific as possible. If you’re a visual person, you can also make a vision board, which is making a collage…

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