At Home and Healing (Pancreatitis Series #4)

Welcome to the fourth and final part of my pancreatitis series. Finally, I’m at home and healing. I know this part took quite a while to be released. It’s almost as if I didn’t know where to end it because the healing process has been anything but quick. Whenever I thought things would get better, some curveball would come at me. Some unforeseen complication would disrupt my healing process. If you’re new to my blog, welcome, but you’re going to want to read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3  of this series before continuing on with this post. (Also, note that this is not my normal blogging style. These posts are also significantly longer than my norm.) Because a lot of the days at home healing was a lot of doing nothing, nodding out of high doses of pain medication, I am going to only elaborate days of importance. October 23, 2018 (TUESDAY) I woke up this morning at 281 lbs, and the realization of a 16-pound weight loss…

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Final Days In The Hospital (Pancreatitis Series #3)

This blog is the third part of my Pancreatitis Series. If you haven’t, you should read Part 1 and Part 2 first to get caught up. I have explained the start and the beginning to my time in the hospital. Now is all about the final days of my hospital stay and the confusing conclusion to my diagnosis. (Warning: This blog is a little longer than normal.) October 12, 2018 (FRIDAY cont.): Finally, Things Start Looking Up Today was full of surprises. My stay here so far has been absolutely horrible, painful and terrifying. I was lonely and scared. I moved to Oregon from Illinois with nothing but my dog and whatever would fit in my Saturn Ion at the time. When coming here, I knew that I was going to be alone, but I also have never been really sick before. I’ve never spent time in a hospital so I didn’t know the feeling of lonely you get from being there. When I found out my mom was blessed…

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Food Is Medicine – A Color Coded Guide

Food is the natural medicine provided by Mother Earth. Before I went vegan, I ate for the simple pleasure of satisfying my taste buds. Tons of fried foods, cheeses, pizza, burgers, pasta, bread, all of the good stuff. I went vegetarian when I was 19 because I saw a PETA video about the realities of slaughterhouses and factory farming. I never looked back after that day and now I am celebrating a decade meat-free. Even then, becoming a vegetarian wasn’t for health reasons. In March of 2016, I came across Earthlings on Netflix as a recommended documentary. This was when I was freshly sober, just over two months in, and I was really into health-related documentaries at the time. I watched Earthlings once, and my life has been changed forever. The last two and a half years have just been completely engulfing myself in the vegan lifestyle and learning more and more. There were so many things being said about the vegan diet that didn’t make sense to me. People…

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