5 Documentaries That Will Make You Go Vegan

5 Documentaries That Will Make You Go Vegan

Since watching documentaries is what made me decide to go vegan, I have compiled a list of five documentaries that will make you go vegan as well. I have watched so many different documentaries on health, nutrition, veganism, weight loss, animal cruelty, environmental issues and more. Truly, I believe that you would consciously decide to leave animals off of your plate if you watch this list of five films (including a sixth as a bonus documentary). I suggest you watch them in this order as well.


This film is hard to watch, I’m not going to lie. If you honestly refuse to watch it because of the horrible things you see, that should be your first sign that you don’t agree with the animal agricultural business. Every time you buy a burger, or chicken nuggets, or that turkey sub, you are contributing to the cruelty behind the meat. It may not be taking the knife to their throat, but you’re paying them to do so. This documentary will really open your eyes to the reality of the lies we were fed our entire lives. If you can watch this and still choose to buy animal products, you are part of the issue. If you are feeling offended by anything in this post, watch this documentary


I became vegan after almost a decade of being a vegetarian. I became vegetarian after I watched a single peta video and decided I didn’t want to participate in that cruelty anymore. However, I was still eating dairy. I was still ignorant to the truth of the dairy industry. You see the commercials with the happy cow in the pastures, or the cartoon cow that winks at you. You don’t see the realities of the horrible truths that happen on these dairy farms.

Cowspiracy really lays it out for you. It gives you straight facts and statistics of not only the dairy industry but the cattle industry as a whole. This documentary will spill all of the dirty facts and secrets they don’t want you to hear. Not only is it bad for the animals, but for humans and the environment as well. Most people are blind to these harsh realities and will choose to be “willfully ignorant” just to avoid their own inner conflict. They will make jokes about how good bacon tastes or how they can’t wait to eat their steak sandwich. Don’t be like those people. Watch this documentary, and even if you can go on eating animal products after watching these first two documentaries, then at least you will know the truth.

Forks Over Knives

Forks Over Knives gives an in-depth look into all of the health aspects of our diet. This documentary will scare you into going vegan. I am living proof that the vegan diet will make you healthier. I’ve lost 80 pounds so far. Not only am I losing weight, but I’m actually healthier. I’ve gotten many blood tests by now and have tangible proof of a vegan diet making me healthier on the inside. My total cholesterol, for example, went from 225 to 140.

This documentary will show you all of the benefits of a whole foods, plant-based diet, as well as all of the health risks to a diet consisting of high amounts of meat and dairy. They even have proof of reversing diseases just by switching their diet! If you are concerned with your health right now, and knew that there’s a possibility that your illness could be reversed just by switching the foods you ate, wouldn’t you want to do it?

What The Health 

An amazing film, What The Health, is a mind-blowing documentary about the horrible effects of eating meat. This movie brings in different doctors and organizations including the American Cancer Society, American Diabetes Association, Centers of Disease Control and the World Health Organization. My jaw was on the floor most of this documentary. It’s scary and eye-opening, but the facts are there. The truth is out there and now, after watching these, it’s so easy to see how much their brainwashing the masses to eat these cheap processed foods. Even if you don’t completely stop eating meat, this documentary will at least make you want to be healthier with your diet choices.
“One serving of processed meat per day increases your chance of developing diabetes by 51%.”

Before The Flood

Before The Flood is an insane documentary that really makes you think. Produced and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, actor and UN Messenger of Peace, this film follows Leo as he goes to different regions of the world to show the catastrophic effects of climate change and global warming. He also brings on board many big names to back his case including Barack Obama, Elon Musk, and Pope Francis.
Leo is not only an actor in Hollywood but a huge environmental activist. He’s extremely involved both publicly and politically. He’s known for his generosity to many environmental foundations including one he founded, Leonardo Dicaprio Foundation. https://www.leonardodicaprio.org/
This documentary covers more than just how our diet affects the planet, but many other ways humans contribute to the destruction of the planet. Before The Flood is not necessarily a vegan documentary, though it does talk about the benefits of a diet that did not include animal products. Especially from the environmental standpoint. Overall, it’s a great documentary to watch to know how quickly we’re killing the planet and most of us don’t even know about it.

Food Inc.

Food Inc. is my bonus documentary on my list. I thought it should be included because it goes so deep into the “government involvement” hole. There’s so much information out there that it’s hard to believe anything these days. Especially the truth about animal agriculture because for some it is extremely hard to face this truth.
Food inc shows you the reality of who owns who. There are 10 companies that essentially own all of the food brands you see on the shelves at your local grocery store. They also break down who is funding who. Like, why is the cattle industry funding the American Heart Association? I’ve already made a blog about that HERE…
The food you eat is not only making one person money (The company who owns the product of which you’re eating) but two people (“Big Pharma”). Of course they wouldn’t stop it. They’re profiting off of your illness. Every time you consume an item that knowingly causes cancer you’re paying the person who creating and distributed that item as well as the hospitals, doctors, and pharmaceutical companies it will take to cure you.

Since I’ve gone vegan almost three years ago, I have repeatedly been told that my diet choice is “extreme.” However, after knowing the truth behind the animal agriculture industry, I think the alternative is as extreme and barbaric we can get as far as diets go. If you know that you can not only survive without animal products but actually thrive, why would you choose the alternative? As consumers, we make choices every day, whenever we purchase ANYTHING, about what we are going to promote.

Let’s be real, though, before I did the research and consciously made the choice to go vegan, I had NO IDEA what I was promoting.

I hope this was helpful or at least informational for you. In the end, I hope you choose or have chose a life without cruelty. I also urge you to do your own research. Feel free to reach out with any questions. Let me know if the comments below if you’ve watched any of these documentaries. Food is medicine, I even wrote a whole blog about that HERE; So check that out.

I love each and every one of you so much. Thank you for being here.
