Transferred To The Hospital (Pancreatitis Series #2)

  In my last blog, I explained the events that lead up to me being in the ER and being transferred to another hospital to get emergency gallbladder removal surgery. This is a continuation of that, so if you haven't read the first part yet, start HERE. October 6, 2018 (SATURDAY still): Officially At Hotel Riverbend I was getting settled into my new room around 7:30 pm. It was nice, and when I say nice, I mean it was nicer than a lot of hotels I’ve stayed in. I had my own bathroom and on-call room service. It was very nice. Not to mention, I was on the 8th floor of a building that looked over the Willamette River and the flowing hills of Springfield, OR. It was beautiful. Around 9 p.m. I was getting antsy. Why would they tell me I need emergency surgery around 2 p.m. and at 9 p.m. I’m still waiting, sitting around watching HGTV in a motorized bed? When the next CNA comes in to…

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My First Trip To the Emergency Room (Pancreatitis Series #1)

The last few weeks have been such a blur and I have been trying really hard to piece together the fragments of memories I have of this time frame that I spent in the suite at Riverbend Peace Health. It all started with my trip to the Emergency Room. To clarify my absence, I was in the hospital with pancreatitis the last 2+ weeks. I have never felt pain like that before. In fact, one of my many nurses during my stay told me that the pain I was feeling at the time was comparable to a drug-free childbirth. She came to this conclusion by the amount of Dilaudid they had to give me to get ahead of the pain. Because my memory of what happened was so bad, during the final days there I went through text messages I had sent to family members and coworkers and sat down with nurses that were in my care, in order to get some sort of timeline together. I was on so…

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Using Journals to Manifest Your Dream Life

Do you journal? I have always been a huge fan of journaling. I have had a journal since I was able to write and have consistently written in them on a regular basis. Sometimes, it’s every day, sometimes it’s once a month; It all goes with how I’m feeling. What we write also puts out an energy into the universe. All of our thoughts, words, and actions give off an energy. With the law of attraction always working, whether the energy is good or bad, it will return to you. Be careful with, not only, the words you say out loud, but your thoughts and feelings towards something. This goes for what you write as well. Write out of love and out of compassion. Write with intention and believe what you’re writing, and you can use journaling to manifest your desires. I have three journals currently in process. The first one is my personal journal, or diary if you will, and I use a standard lined journal with a faux…

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