5 Documentaries That Will Make You Go Vegan

Since watching documentaries is what made me decide to go vegan, I have compiled a list of five documentaries that will make you go vegan as well. I have watched so many different documentaries on health, nutrition, veganism, weight loss, animal cruelty, environmental issues and more. Truly, I believe that you would consciously decide to leave animals off of your plate if you watch this list of five films (including a sixth as a bonus documentary). I suggest you watch them in this order as well. Earthlings This film is hard to watch, I’m not going to lie. If you honestly refuse to watch it because of the horrible things you see, that should be your first sign that you don’t agree with the animal agricultural business. Every time you buy a burger, or chicken nuggets, or that turkey sub, you are contributing to the cruelty behind the meat. It may not be taking the knife to their throat, but you’re paying them to do so. This documentary will really…

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At Home and Healing (Pancreatitis Series #4)

Welcome to the fourth and final part of my pancreatitis series. Finally, I’m at home and healing. I know this part took quite a while to be released. It’s almost as if I didn’t know where to end it because the healing process has been anything but quick. Whenever I thought things would get better, some curveball would come at me. Some unforeseen complication would disrupt my healing process. If you’re new to my blog, welcome, but you’re going to want to read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3  of this series before continuing on with this post. (Also, note that this is not my normal blogging style. These posts are also significantly longer than my norm.) Because a lot of the days at home healing was a lot of doing nothing, nodding out of high doses of pain medication, I am going to only elaborate days of importance. October 23, 2018 (TUESDAY) I woke up this morning at 281 lbs, and the realization of a 16-pound weight loss…

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Two Years Of Isolation: Good or Bad?

 Two years ago I left everything and everyone I know to start a new adventure on my own in isolation. At the time, I knew I was going to face a lot of time alone, but I also knew I needed it. I was six months sober when I left Illinois, and by this time, all of my “friends” were now “people I used to know” besides the couple that stayed. That’s how you know who your true friends are. When I left, I knew that I needed to do this on my own. I could have easily moved here and got into a crowd similar to the one I had at home. That’s all I’ve ever known. Just show up at a local bar and BAM! Instant friends. However, I didn’t want to go back to living the same lifestyle I moved 36 hours away from. Of course, since moving here, I have met so many wonderful people, and a couple of those people I’ve gotten close to. Even…

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