I talk about mental health quite often on this blog, and it’s no secret that I’ve had my fair share of psychological issues. Anxiety has been a battle of mine over the last 4 years. I tried a lot of different natural remedies and pretty much every option that kept me away from taking pharmaceuticals. CBD was the only thing that I have found that actually helps.

When I mentioned on my YouTube channel that I used CBD to help with my anxiousness and panic attacks, a lot of people were interested.

So what exactly is CBD?
CBD stands from cannabidiol, and it one of the two prevalent active ingredients of cannabis. THC is the one that gets you high; Whereas, CBD is the non-psychoactive component of cannabis. CBD is derived from the hemp plant, which is a cousin of the marijuana plant. The hemp plant itself can be extremely beneficial to the world (paper, a replacement to plastic, building houses), but CBD has many medicinal properties.
CBD has been around for a long time, but just recently got the “go ahead” to be federally legalized in 2018.
In order for it to be sold as a legal CBD product, it has to have under 0.3%THC. Anything above that would be considered as marijuana which still remains an illegal, controlled substance in the eyes of federal law. For anyone who may be concerned about CBD getting you “high,” you don’t have to worry, it won’t.

The feeling I get when I take CBD is like a weight being lifted off my shoulders. It doesn’t make you feel cloudy or foggy, but clear headed and relaxed. It helps relieve anxiety and stress, and has even helped me out of a panic.
I use the brand ThoughtCloud. Now, I have tried MANY different brands of CBD, but this one is by far the best quality CBD tincture I’ve had.
ThoughtCloud makes a huge range of CBD products.
The only thing I’ve tried was their 3000mg Full Spectrum tincture. Being the awesome company they are, they have just recently sent me their high CBN formula for sleep and pain. After I test it out and see how I like it, I can give you more information about it.
ThoughtCloud is a CBD plant medicine company. They are based out of Portland, OR which is probably why I love them so much. All of their CBD is organically grown with no additives or preservatives. They only contain the natural medicinal contituents of the plants from seed to oil with no adulteration. Why I fell in love with this company is becuase they are 100% vegan and sustainable. On their website it even states “We love our furry friends and would never test on them.”
They have different formulas of concentrated cannabinoids for a lot of different needs.

Different cannabinoids help in different ways. Full spectrum covers them all, high CBN for sleep and pain, high CBG for inflammation and allergies, CBC for gut health and brain function, even CBD for your pets. They have tinctures, topicals like balms and lotions, flower buds and pre rolls (No THC), and also capsules and shots.
I can’t wait to try more of their products, but after I felt the effects of the 3000mg Full Spectrum, I didn’t feel the need to buy anything else. This is good quality stuff.
Don’t buy the stuff you find in the gas station.
CBD is like most items on the market. There are good quality formulas, and there is stuff you can buy from the gas station. Like I said, I’ve tried so many different CBD products, and nothing has worked like my ThoughtCloud tincture. It’s like buying essential oils. The ones from the dollar store will give me a headache, but pure and grade “A” quality oils are going to actually work in the aroma-therapeutic ways. CBD is the same way.
The good quality CBD isn’t cheap.
The 3000mg Full Spectrum CBD tincture in coconut oil is around $90USD. That might seem like a lot, but I’ve poured so much more into finding something that will actually help me. The high CBN sleep and pain formula is even more than that, but if it works as intended then it is totally worth every penny.
The reason I get the 3000mg tincture and not the smaller one, is because of the dose that I need to take in order to feel the desired effects.

Dosage will differ greatly person to person. My advice is to start with their recommended dose and then add more if needed.
I personally take around 50-100mg per dose, which is considered a higher dose. However, because of my cannabis and CBD use being more than an average person, it does take me more than someone who hasn’t tried either in their life.
I only use the tincture as needed, so one bottle lasts me a long time.
I will definitely update you guys as I try more of their products. Clearly, I am absolutely crazy about CBD and love that I can naturally manage my anxiety with something safe and non addictive. This is something I’ve talked about a lot on this blog, but I was trying everything to avoid using pharmaceuticals. My addictive personality and my past with abusing anti-anxiety medications is a huge reason I stayed away; Even though I was offered them by a couple different doctors.
CBD has been used medicinally for a long time.

The FDA has even approved the use of Epidiolex (A plant-based formulation of CBD_ to treat seizures of people 2 years of age and older with Dravet Syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS). epilepsy.com CBD is more commonly used to manage pain, reduce stress and anxiety, help with sleep, aid in digestion and just overall lift your mood and help you relax.
ThoughtCloud is the only CBD I will use.
The exact tincture I have has over 3,400 reviews and remains at a 5 star rating. It was the reason I bought it in the first place and is honestly the best. They have testimonials of people with severe pain that swear by it. People who have overcome their anxiety like myself who wouldn’t want to use anything else now.
They were gracious enough to give me a discount code if any of you want to try it. Just use the code “basic” when checking out to save some money. They have a lot of deals throughout the year as well, and will keep you updated when those happen.
26 Jan 2021Hi Chantelle,
I have to say thank you for sharing your journey on YouTube and thank you for being vulnerable enough to share about your anxiety. I am trying to find more natural ways to deal with my anxiety. I really don’t want to get a prescription. My anxiety seems to be triggered by changes in my hormones, plus I have insomnia. I can’t wait to try this.
Kind Regards,
(The Reading Space on YouTube)