Celebrating 420 in Quarantine

Today is a day for celebration. 420 is commenced, but there's only one issue: We're all in quarantine. Since this is the first year in over 15 years that I haven't spent 420 with other people, I figured I share it with all of you. As we all know, and for those of you who don't know, I am 100% pro cannabis. This includes legalization for all medical and recreational use. Weed always gets a bad reputation of being a gateway drug. For me, weed has helped me stay OFF of drugs. I've been sober for over four years now and the only medication I use to stay sober is marijuana. There isn't a better day to celebrate my appreciation for cannabis than today, 420. For those of you who still think cannabis is dangerous, or the devil's lettuce, I wanted to list some of the other things found in the scientific study by Harvard University on the medical uses of Marijuana. Cannabis has so many medicinal properties that could…

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Dreams and Giving Everything Your Everything

Most of us drift through life; Hours go by and they turn into days, that turns into weeks that turns into months, and then into years. Soon enough, you’re 30 and wondering where all the time has gone. You wonder why your dreams of younger years have dissipated. If you’re someone who knew what they wanted in life at a young age, went directly to college, and happen to land your dream job right after graduation, then this blog isn’t for you. This one is for the dreamers; The ones who have goals they believe to be unattainable. They just gave up and landed the first desk job that was offered to them. It took me many years to realize that we aren’t all programmed to live the life that people expect of us. One of my mentors told me something that will stick with me. “If money wasn’t an issue, what would you be doing with your life? That’s what you need to work towards. If you’re doing things…

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Creating My (Unconventional) Dream Life

When I was younger, I was always asked what I wanted to be when I was growing up. I always answered something different every time I was asked because what five year old knows what they want to do to support themselves as an adult? I feel it's the same now, except I'm now thirty and it isn't adorable anymore to change my mind every year with my interests. Regardless of what hobby I'm learning that year, my dreams have always been unconventional. I'm now accepting the fact that this means I'm not going to live a conventional life. I battled the thought of doing the norm. Respectively, I tried college a few times, and really pushed myself to be the 9-5 "cubicle normy" that was expected of me. I found out after years of depression and crippling anxiety that wasn't what I wanted for myself. I tried hard to be that person, to the point where it almost killed me, and have slowly been peeling off the layers of…

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Law of Attraction: The Scales of Life

Imagine that your life is a scale; One of those “old-school” ones with two sides. One side of the scale represents everything good in life, or all of your positive thoughts, emotions or actions. The other side of the scale represents all of the bad things, or the negative thoughts, emotions or actions. What most of us don’t realize, though, is that we control what we put into either side of the scale. Through the law of attraction, the more we put into one side or the other, life will ultimately become “better” or “worse.” Rhonda Byrnes talks about this concept a lot in her book (and movie), The Secret, to better explain the Law of Attraction and how it works. Recently, I lost control of that thought process. I tilted my scale deep into the dark side. When it rains, it pours, right? However, I was having a really hard time seeing anything positive in my life. It was one thing after another for about six long months. I…

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2019: The Year of Acceptance

Happy New Year, everyone! Welcome to 2019, a year that I will hopefully learn to just “go with the flow” and accept what is. I have always considered myself a free spirit, but honestly, sometimes I’m such a worry wart. I catch myself in this spiral of horrid thinking about how I’m a such a failure and I’m not where I thought I would be by almost 30. 2019 will be a year of acceptance so that I won’t drown myself with these thoughts anymore. If you are someone I know personally, you know that I have recently gotten over an illness that left me unemployed. If you don’t know me, to sum it up, 2018 was one of those years that was all about setbacks and the lessons that come with them. It wasn’t my favorite year, but at the same time, I’m lucky that I have such an awesome support system to help me through these hard times. I am still unemployed and searching every day, and I…

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