Two Years Of Isolation: Good or Bad?

 Two years ago I left everything and everyone I know to start a new adventure on my own in isolation. At the time, I knew I was going to face a lot of time alone, but I also knew I needed it. I was six months sober when I left Illinois, and by this time, all of my “friends” were now “people I used to know” besides the couple that stayed. That’s how you know who your true friends are. When I left, I knew that I needed to do this on my own. I could have easily moved here and got into a crowd similar to the one I had at home. That’s all I’ve ever known. Just show up at a local bar and BAM! Instant friends. However, I didn’t want to go back to living the same lifestyle I moved 36 hours away from. Of course, since moving here, I have met so many wonderful people, and a couple of those people I’ve gotten close to. Even…

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Food Is Medicine – A Color Coded Guide

Food is the natural medicine provided by Mother Earth. Before I went vegan, I ate for the simple pleasure of satisfying my taste buds. Tons of fried foods, cheeses, pizza, burgers, pasta, bread, all of the good stuff. I went vegetarian when I was 19 because I saw a PETA video about the realities of slaughterhouses and factory farming. I never looked back after that day and now I am celebrating a decade meat-free. Even then, becoming a vegetarian wasn’t for health reasons. In March of 2016, I came across Earthlings on Netflix as a recommended documentary. This was when I was freshly sober, just over two months in, and I was really into health-related documentaries at the time. I watched Earthlings once, and my life has been changed forever. The last two and a half years have just been completely engulfing myself in the vegan lifestyle and learning more and more. There were so many things being said about the vegan diet that didn’t make sense to me. People…

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Mental Health: Let’s Talk About This

Mental illness is something so common but rarely talked about. I have always been interested in the way the mind works and found the study of psychology intriguing. The mind is an intricate and unpredictable machine that isn’t even fully understood yet by modern day science. So many questions are still unanswered. I have just recently begun to dive into my own mind, and try to figure out what is going on in there. Since getting sober, my mind has been “acting out” if you will. I was diagnosed with depression 7 years ago, but I was drinking so heavily that there was no way I was going to figure it out or deal with it. Alcohol just fuels the depression. It did, however, numb the anxiety. Since I’ve stopped drinking, my anxiety has skyrocketed. (Disclaimer: Hopefully anyone reading this, trying to get sober, is not deterred by this statement. Everyone is different, and it definitely does not mean that you will have anxiety if you were to sober up.…

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Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Trigger Warning: Drug Use. Would you believe me if I told you that the only thing holding you back from living the life of your dreams, was your mind? I’ve spent the majority of my life, starting at a very young age, feeling as if I didn’t belong. It was always hard for me to “fit in” at school and I’ve always felt like I was “different” from everyone else. I was also the fat kid my entire life, and that left me to a lot of isolation as well as being an only child. People who have never been “big” will not understand the feeling of being either the invisible person or the target of bullying. I learned to entertain myself and be okay with being alone. Around the age of 12, my parents and I moved to a new town. Shortly after moving there I started to become the person I would be for the next decade. I started sneaking cigarette butts from the ashtrays at home, and…

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Simplify – Getting Back To Basics

Minimalism. Until recently, I didn’t understand what that word meant. I knew it meant you didn’t have a lot of stuff, but I didn’t really understand the importance of it. Until now. I have been engulfed in this journey of self-development and self-discovery when I stumbled across the documentary Minimalism on Netflix. I was really into watching documentaries about health and veganism at the time and this came up on my recommended videos. At the time I was thinking, “I don’t know what this has to do with health, but I’ll give it a go.” I was instantly intrigued. I knew I was going to have to minimize in order to move across the country in my little Saturn Ion, but I was doing that because I had to. It wasn’t because I had fully understood that having less physical things, makes more room for the intangible things. I have only begun to scratch the surface on my minimalist journey. When I moved to Oregon from Illinois, I only brought…

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