Crazy About CBD

I talk about mental health quite often on this blog, and it's no secret that I've had my fair share of psychological issues. Anxiety has been a battle of mine over the last 4 years. I tried a lot of different natural remedies and pretty much every option that kept me away from taking pharmaceuticals. CBD was the only thing that I have found that actually helps. When I mentioned on my YouTube channel that I used CBD to help with my anxiousness and panic attacks, a lot of people were interested. So what exactly is CBD? CBD stands from cannabidiol, and it one of the two prevalent active ingredients of cannabis. THC is the one that gets you high; Whereas, CBD is the non-psychoactive component of cannabis. CBD is derived from the hemp plant, which is a cousin of the marijuana plant. The hemp plant itself can be extremely beneficial to the world (paper, a replacement to plastic, building houses), but CBD has many medicinal properties. CBD has been…

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2021 | The Year I Became A Digital Nomad

I will officially be a digital nomad for two months on 1/11/21. Two years ago I was living in a shelter dreaming about this reality. Last year I slowly built an income through YouTube, posting weekly videos of my travels and experiences living in a minivan. Now, as of 11/11/20, I officially started living my life as a digital nomad like I've always wanted to. I've dreamed of this for years before it actually became a reality. VanLife was an obsession before I ever had a van. At the time, that dream of living on the road seemed to be so far away; Completely unattainable for someone with such limited means. I was below the poverty line, and barely able to afford to pay my minimum bills to survive. Credit card debt was piling up, and I felt like I was just digging myself into a hole, further away from my dreams. You always see these people who claim to be digital nomads and then see their $100,000 decked out…

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Currently Occupation: Unemployed Artist

Today marks two weeks that I've been unemployed. Covid-19 has affected everyone in various ways, but being unemployed is one of the most common. Over 3 million people have been infected by this virus, and over 200,000 people have died. While those numbers are scary, and high, it doesn't compare to the number of people, in the U.S. alone, that have been let go from their jobs and are now unemployed. There are now over 33 Million unemployed people in America right now. This unemployment number is higher than it has been since 1934. The consequences of our future economic security are going to be devastating. Unfortunately, I don't believe we will be going back to normal any time soon. While this pending doom of our economy is lurking around every corner, and every news outlet, I am feeling strangely okay. These last two weeks of being unemployed have been the most productive two weeks I've had in a really long time. This moment, however long it will last, is…

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Etsy Shop Is Now Fully Stocked

It took me from November 2018 to last week to get this done, but it's official: All 70+ pieces of inventory are up for grabs in my Etsy shop, TarotAndSage. I have definitely tried to stay productive during my time in quarantine. My Etsy shop is the home to all of my magical creations and tarot readings. I wanted to keep my Tarot business and my YouTube business separate. I explain that a bit more in the blog when I announced the Etsy shop back in 2018. You can go give that a read in case you were interested in why my shop isn't called MyBasicJourney. A few years ago, in 2017, I was selling DoTerra - an MLM company that sells high grade essential oils. I actually really liked it and and became pretty obsessed with the whole thing. I was going to weekly meetings and going to the local events. My favorite part, though, was making daily spreadsheets, drawing up my own business plans, researching data, and just…

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Dreams and Giving Everything Your Everything

Most of us drift through life; Hours go by and they turn into days, that turns into weeks that turns into months, and then into years. Soon enough, you’re 30 and wondering where all the time has gone. You wonder why your dreams of younger years have dissipated. If you’re someone who knew what they wanted in life at a young age, went directly to college, and happen to land your dream job right after graduation, then this blog isn’t for you. This one is for the dreamers; The ones who have goals they believe to be unattainable. They just gave up and landed the first desk job that was offered to them. It took me many years to realize that we aren’t all programmed to live the life that people expect of us. One of my mentors told me something that will stick with me. “If money wasn’t an issue, what would you be doing with your life? That’s what you need to work towards. If you’re doing things…

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