What Network Marketing Taught Me

. Even if I was not extremely successful in Network Marketing, learning the skills needed to be successful taught me so much about owning a business and about life in general. It was almost a year ago when I joined DoTERRA, a network marketing company that sells high quality and medicinal level essential oils. I was really big into essential oils at the time and natural forms of health care. I was looking for natural ways to help with my mental illnesses, and good quality oils really seemed to work. After finding a local DoTERRA team, I dove in head first into the world of network marketing. I had a great and enthusiastic leader, a loving and supportive team and was putting 110% into building my business. I was doing everything I was told to do and I was reading what I was supposed to read. Dutifully, I was going to all of the events, and hosting X amount of classes a week, recording videos and doing live Facebook feeds.…

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Your Gut Is Your Second Brain

Today, I got a swift reminder to always follow my gut. It is the second brain in our body and will guide us in the right direction. Letting go has been one of the hardest things for me to learn. I repeat lesson after lesson on letting go and somehow always fail the same test that is given to me. Life has a funny way of doing that, you know. Testing us. I always have this feeling when something isn’t right for me, and sometimes I listen to it. Other times, out of fear of the unknown, I won’t listen to it, and that’s usually when something bad happens. Either way, I get that feeling ahead of time and I have the choice to listen to it or not. Sometimes, in certain circumstances, bad things do happen without warning, However, a lot of times the universe has sent us a sign and it’s up to us to listen to it or face karma that's coming. It might be that wrenching,…

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Two Years Of Isolation: Good or Bad?

 Two years ago I left everything and everyone I know to start a new adventure on my own in isolation. At the time, I knew I was going to face a lot of time alone, but I also knew I needed it. I was six months sober when I left Illinois, and by this time, all of my “friends” were now “people I used to know” besides the couple that stayed. That’s how you know who your true friends are. When I left, I knew that I needed to do this on my own. I could have easily moved here and got into a crowd similar to the one I had at home. That’s all I’ve ever known. Just show up at a local bar and BAM! Instant friends. However, I didn’t want to go back to living the same lifestyle I moved 36 hours away from. Of course, since moving here, I have met so many wonderful people, and a couple of those people I’ve gotten close to. Even…

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Food Is Medicine – A Color Coded Guide

Food is the natural medicine provided by Mother Earth. Before I went vegan, I ate for the simple pleasure of satisfying my taste buds. Tons of fried foods, cheeses, pizza, burgers, pasta, bread, all of the good stuff. I went vegetarian when I was 19 because I saw a PETA video about the realities of slaughterhouses and factory farming. I never looked back after that day and now I am celebrating a decade meat-free. Even then, becoming a vegetarian wasn’t for health reasons. In March of 2016, I came across Earthlings on Netflix as a recommended documentary. This was when I was freshly sober, just over two months in, and I was really into health-related documentaries at the time. I watched Earthlings once, and my life has been changed forever. The last two and a half years have just been completely engulfing myself in the vegan lifestyle and learning more and more. There were so many things being said about the vegan diet that didn’t make sense to me. People…

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Rid Your Life Of Everything Toxic

For the last two and a half years, I have been trying to rid myself of everything toxic in my life. I’m not just talking about drugs and alcohol, although I did remove those as well. I’m talking more about the things in your life that make your heart sad. Anything that doesn’t bring you joy into your life. This could be jobs, relationships, living situations, or bad habits; Whatever you need to get rid of in order to be happy. I know how scary this can be at times because you would be facing the unknown. Sometimes we get comfortable doing something, or being something, or being with someone, even if it’s killing us. These are the things I needed to get rid of. Why should we go through life feeling miserable because of something we have the power to change it? We live in a world that allows us a lot of freedom, even if it may not feel that way. We are the only ones who can…

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