Unexpected Life Lessons

Life has a funny way of teaching us lessons. It is almost never easy, and it is usually never how we think something is going to happen. I wanted to talk about a couple of my recent unexpected life lessons. I have always been a planner; Making lists for everything, and researching something down to the most insignificant details to be the most prepared for whatever the situation may be. I get it from my mom. This trait is a blessing and a curse. Those of you who carry this trait will understand what I’m talking about. I would get so caught up in planning for these grandeur dreams I have, and would create these unrealistic expectations of how smoothly my plan was going to go. This lead to utter disappointment when things kept going “wrong.” Some of you may know that I lost my job a few weeks ago. Luckily I was able to find a filler job quickly within a week, waitressing at a diner. This job isn’t…

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Autumn Equinox: Ready For Fall

Tomorrow, September 22, 2018, is the Autumn Equinox and I am so ready for fall to begin. It is one of the two times during the year when the light is perfectly poised between night and day. The amount of light and dark are completely equal. Here, in the Northern Hemisphere, we are returning to the darker part of the year. Every day we will see a little less light throughout our day until the winter solstice. This weekend is a good time to celebrate balance. Our days will be getting colder, and our nights a little longer, and to some of us who live in colder climates may be counting down the days of the last bit of warmth. However, now is the perfect time to celebrate equilibrium. The sun will start its journey through Libra for this equinox, which is the sign of the scales; The sign of balance. It is the perfect time to balance ourselves out and find that “middle-ground” we’ve been wanting for so long.…

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Family Isn’t Always Blood

Coming from someone who has had a small family their entire life, along with being an only child, I can safely say that “Family” isn’t always blood. Family is what you make it, and who you choose to be your family. This is especially true if the people you are blood-related to have no interest in you, don’t support you, or have been abusive* physically or emotionally. I have so many people in my life that I consider family that aren’t actually related to me, and I love each and every one of them like they are blood. Family is a feeling that comes from the heart. We all want to have that feeling that is advertised around Christmas with the family sitting around the tree; Everyone is smiling and engaging with one another. I feel like this isn’t true for the most of us though, right? Christmas is stressful! Most families argue around the holidays, and there’s a lot of financial/consumerist obligations if you have a large family. If…

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What Network Marketing Taught Me

. Even if I was not extremely successful in Network Marketing, learning the skills needed to be successful taught me so much about owning a business and about life in general. It was almost a year ago when I joined DoTERRA, a network marketing company that sells high quality and medicinal level essential oils. I was really big into essential oils at the time and natural forms of health care. I was looking for natural ways to help with my mental illnesses, and good quality oils really seemed to work. After finding a local DoTERRA team, I dove in head first into the world of network marketing. I had a great and enthusiastic leader, a loving and supportive team and was putting 110% into building my business. I was doing everything I was told to do and I was reading what I was supposed to read. Dutifully, I was going to all of the events, and hosting X amount of classes a week, recording videos and doing live Facebook feeds.…

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Two Years Of Isolation: Good or Bad?

 Two years ago I left everything and everyone I know to start a new adventure on my own in isolation. At the time, I knew I was going to face a lot of time alone, but I also knew I needed it. I was six months sober when I left Illinois, and by this time, all of my “friends” were now “people I used to know” besides the couple that stayed. That’s how you know who your true friends are. When I left, I knew that I needed to do this on my own. I could have easily moved here and got into a crowd similar to the one I had at home. That’s all I’ve ever known. Just show up at a local bar and BAM! Instant friends. However, I didn’t want to go back to living the same lifestyle I moved 36 hours away from. Of course, since moving here, I have met so many wonderful people, and a couple of those people I’ve gotten close to. Even…

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