Etsy Shop Is Now Fully Stocked

It took me from November 2018 to last week to get this done, but it's official: All 70+ pieces of inventory are up for grabs in my Etsy shop, TarotAndSage. I have definitely tried to stay productive during my time in quarantine. My Etsy shop is the home to all of my magical creations and tarot readings. I wanted to keep my Tarot business and my YouTube business separate. I explain that a bit more in the blog when I announced the Etsy shop back in 2018. You can go give that a read in case you were interested in why my shop isn't called MyBasicJourney. A few years ago, in 2017, I was selling DoTerra - an MLM company that sells high grade essential oils. I actually really liked it and and became pretty obsessed with the whole thing. I was going to weekly meetings and going to the local events. My favorite part, though, was making daily spreadsheets, drawing up my own business plans, researching data, and just…

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At Home and Healing (Pancreatitis Series #4)

Welcome to the fourth and final part of my pancreatitis series. Finally, I’m at home and healing. I know this part took quite a while to be released. It’s almost as if I didn’t know where to end it because the healing process has been anything but quick. Whenever I thought things would get better, some curveball would come at me. Some unforeseen complication would disrupt my healing process. If you’re new to my blog, welcome, but you’re going to want to read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3  of this series before continuing on with this post. (Also, note that this is not my normal blogging style. These posts are also significantly longer than my norm.) Because a lot of the days at home healing was a lot of doing nothing, nodding out of high doses of pain medication, I am going to only elaborate days of importance. October 23, 2018 (TUESDAY) I woke up this morning at 281 lbs, and the realization of a 16-pound weight loss…

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Autumn Equinox: Ready For Fall

Tomorrow, September 22, 2018, is the Autumn Equinox and I am so ready for fall to begin. It is one of the two times during the year when the light is perfectly poised between night and day. The amount of light and dark are completely equal. Here, in the Northern Hemisphere, we are returning to the darker part of the year. Every day we will see a little less light throughout our day until the winter solstice. This weekend is a good time to celebrate balance. Our days will be getting colder, and our nights a little longer, and to some of us who live in colder climates may be counting down the days of the last bit of warmth. However, now is the perfect time to celebrate equilibrium. The sun will start its journey through Libra for this equinox, which is the sign of the scales; The sign of balance. It is the perfect time to balance ourselves out and find that “middle-ground” we’ve been wanting for so long.…

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The Secret To Life

Have you taken the time to be grateful today? Before learning about the Law Of Attraction, I was a “Why is this happening to me” kind of person. Like most, I believed that life just happened to you and that I was dealt a bad hand. I thought I had bad luck. I was constantly saying, “Life isn’t fair!” (Or “Things are never easy.”  Or "Things never work out the way I want them to.").  I had no idea that these were my “mantras” and I was creating that reality for myself. If you haven’t heard of the Law Of Attraction, I recommend reading The Secret. It is the most comprehensive and easiest to understand. If you’re interested, you can find it here. After reading this book, everything clicked almost immediately. My own thoughts were the reason for a lot of issues I was having in life. Life wasn’t happening to me, it was happening because of me. By telling myself that nothing ever goes the way I wanted…

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Find Your “Why”

Do you know what your purpose is? For the majority of my life, until very recently, I have struggled with what people would call “finding their purpose.” Some people know as soon as they’re born that they’re going to be a basketball player, a doctor, a musician, or whatever it may be. Some of us, well, it can feel like we will never figure it out. I have tried a lot of different things; Nursing, Art, Writing, Psychology, Graphic Design, Photography, Cosmetology. I’ve went to and dropped out of school 4 times before going back to hair school just so I could say I completed something. Fast forward to three years later, and my now out-of-state cosmetology license is expired, and I’d have to go back to school to get it renewed. It’s not like I was going to use it anyways, but it would be nice to have something to show for all of my remaining student debt. I have tried countless different hobbies, and fully plunged into all…

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